CULEX _________________ Stats... Area: Monstro Town HP: 4096 Attack: 250 Defense: 100 Magic: 100 M. Defense: 80 Items: Quartz Charm Strong against Ice Invincible against Sleep, Poison, Mute, Fear ____________________ Culex is arguably (I'd like to be in on that!) the hardest Boss in the game. He's also the _coolest_ looking boss in the game (what from being from Final Fantasy II and all). The fight is definitely worth it, giving you 400 EP and the Quartz Charm, which gives you Attack Ups periodically throughout a fight. (Might I add it will give you some confidence against Smithy!) Start out with a Crystalline, as you'll need the added defense. Then have Bowser focus on Culex and Mario on the Crystals. If you don't have the Star Egg then have Peach focus on the Crystal too. Take out the Earth Crystal (3200 HP) first, as the Lazy Shell and Safety Ring can't protect against its specials. Then Super or Ultra Jump the Wind (800 HP) for a quick kill. Then finish off the Fire (2500 HP) and Water Crystals (1800 HP) at your leisure. After the Crystals are shattered, focus all of your Attacks on Culex. His attack is very strong, but if you learn the timing you can anticipate it. Be careful, because the Shredder can steal your Crystalline. After a while he will run out of FP. Now it gets very easy as long as you always try to block his attack. Congradulations, now the rest of the game's easy, right? Best Party: Mario |Level 22|Lazy Shell, Fuzzy Shirt, Ghost Medal Toadstool |Level 22|War Fan, Lazy Shell, Scrooge Ring Bowser |Level 22|Spiked Link, Courage Shell, Jinx Belt (Note: These are reccommended minimums, but do with what you have.)