KNIFE GUY/GRATE GUY _________________ Stats... Area: Booster's Tower HP: 700/900 Attack: 70/60 Defense: 55/40 Magic: 20/25 M. Defense: 40/10 Items: Flower Jar/none Weak against Fire/Electricity Invincible Electricity, Sleep/Fire, Sleep ____________________ Confusing stats huh? Well, the fight is worse, as one is unharmed by the special of the other's weakness. Start by Flaming off at the Knife Guy, giving Grate a Shock, and sending Big Boo in for a little Terror. From then on Bowser should only Attack. The M's should then alternate between attacks and Specials. Be prepared for Grate Guy's Light Ball by bringing an Able Juice or three. When they decide to "thrash" you, Knife stands on Grate's head and they get much more powerful specials. Keep up your salvo, but if you have a hard time, just hunker down in Defense mode and wait for their FP to run out. Best Party: Mario |Level 10|Masher, Mega Shirt, Zoom Shoes Mallow |Level 10|Cymbals, Mega Pants, Wake Up Pin Bowser |Level 10|Chomp, Work Pants, Amulet