PUNCHINELLO _________________ Stats... Area: Coal Mines HP: 1200 Attack: 60 Defense: 42 Magic: 22 M. Defense: 40 Items: Orange Star Piece Strong against Jump Invincible against Fear, Poison, Sleep, Mute ____________________ Despite his impressive amount of HP, he's not too difficult. (Which is good, 'cause you don't get a single stinking point of EP for blowing him up!) Enter the fight with Attacks. Once he calls in his Micro Bombs, keep it up but use the Thunderbolt to keep it from getting crowded. Just keep doing this till he gets a taste of his own pyrotechnic medicine. Keep in mind that the Bob-ombs and Mezzo Bombs may need a few jolts, and that you should call Geno in to clean up the last wave. Mario should stay focused on this "short, fat, grotesque clown" at all times. Beware that sometimes Punchy attacks with a Sand Storm. Careful! Best Party: Mario |Level 7 |Punch Glove, Mega Shirt, Fearless Pin Mallow |Level 7 |Cymbals, Mega Pants, Wake Up Pin Geno |Level6/7|Finger Shot, Mega Cape, Trueform Pin