High School High

As reviewed by James Brundage

Jon Lovitz teams up with the producers of "The Naked Gun" for this over-the-top, laugh-out-loud at the stupidity film, "High School High". There isn't a signle good proformances, nothing special about the directing or the production, making the witty writing the only good quality for the film -- but what a quality.

The film parodies "Dangerous Minds" and "The Substitue", having the exact style that has been used in every one of the Naked Gun films, adding in jokes when you least suspect it and making a mockery of the most trivial things, it's just what you would expect in every way, not a single plot twist exists that is worth while. You can see it if you want, but to do so would be to waste a few dollars on a movie that is the quality of which you should see with a pause or stop button.

Movie Reviews by James Brundage

Movie Reviews starting with "H"

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