The Peacemaker

As Reviewed by James Brundage

There comes a point in any critic's life when he is watching a movie and finds himself naming people from the cast and crew from their habits. At that point, they realize that they have seen way too many movies and are quickly losing all that's left of their minds. Myself, I reached that point during the peacemaker when I relized who had done the music to it without even looking at the credits (Hans Zimmer of "The Rock" and "Crimson Tide").

That was the high point of that movie.

The Peacemaker is a film about terrorism, about a psycho with a bomb with an intent to blow up Manhattan (woulda done the world some good). Where have we seen this one before? George Clooney of "ER" and "From Dusk 'till Dawn" is the star power of this movie, acting opposite to Nicole Kidman, and the roles they play are so stereotypical that its insane. Clooney plays the good-guy rambo type bent on saving the world (with the modern twist of actually having a brain beneath that thick skull) and Kidman plays the woman who is just trying to save the world while salvaging her latest failed romance. Be still my lunch.

The film does have its good points, the action scenes are well done (which comprise most of the movie) but they have the tendency to drag on a little longer than neccessary. Again another try at getting a good movie. Again another failure. Rent it on a rainy day.

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