S E T H ~ J A N E

How It All Began

by P.M. Nicholson

{The following text is taken from P.M.Nicholson's Seth Site called Spiritual-Endeavors.org}

In 1963, Jane Roberts and her husband Rob earned their livings as writer and artist respectively, along with other related odd jobs.

Jane was 34 and Rob, 44. They lived in an apartment in Elmira, NY, and had been married for nine years.

During this time they began to question some of their dream and waking experiences, so they set out to search for answers in book stores. They found little available that contained an explanation of their experiences. At Rob's suggestion, Jane began to outline a possible book that would investigate such topics which developed into "How To Develop Your ESP Powers".

She and Rob began experiments to gain first hand knowledge for the book and used the Ouija Board for the first time. To their astonishment, they met a personality who called himself, Seth. As the experiment continued, Jane began getting his words more quickly in her mind than the tedious fashion of one letter at a time through the Ouija Board. Soon she gave in to these impressions and began voicing the words that seemed to appear in her mind from nowhere.

Those experiments began in December of 1963 and Jane's book was published in 1966. Due to the ongoing and unusual developments, ten years later the book was published under a new title, "The Coming of Seth".

From 1963 through the early '80s, Jane continued sessions with Seth. As of 1996, 23 books had been published of which seven were dictated exclusively by Seth and two were put together by Rob and then published after her death.

During their experience, Seth always referred to Jane as Rubert and Rob as Joseph because, as Seth put it, these names represented their greater selves from which their present identity sprang.

For 15 years, from Sept. 1967 through July 1982, they devoted each Monday and Wednesday to private sessions where Rob recorded over 1500 Seth sessions. Jane also began classes at that time so others could explore ESP, and eventually began going into trance during class. In the beginning, classes were held on Tuesdays and Thursdays, with a charge of $2.50 per person. There were about 5 to 12 people who showed up until the early 1970's when the classes were combined and expanded to approximately 30 to 40 people.

The classes continued for 8 years until 1975 when Jane and Rob bought a home and devoted their full time to the Seth sessions and the resulting books.

Jane came to believe that although our focus was in 3 dimensional reality, by shifting our consciousness, we could glimpse at alternate realities, and that our world of physical facts sprang from a deeper realm. She felt that trying to explain her experiences in traditional terms was to limit multidimensional phenomenon to a three dimensional fact system. This three dimensional actualization that we experience actually comes through our source-selves where we receive our energy and life. In changing our focus, we could expand our knowledge through meeting personalities not focused in our reality and this would help us by showing that other realities truly exist. She came to believe her job was to enlarge our concepts of the non-objective world.

Seth's message throughout this experience remained unchanged. He told us that...

1.) We create our own reality;

2.) Our point of power is the present;

3.) We are not at the mercy of the subconscious, nor are we helpless; and

4.) We are gods couched in creaturehood.

On February 26th, 1982, Jane was hospitalized for an under-active thyroid gland, severe arthritis, and other complications. Seth reminded them that Jane's physical symptoms were the signposts of her personal struggle, and also Rob's, and their joint incomplete knowledge.

During many periods of Jane's illness, Seth gave suggestions to ease her condition and at times she even improved but after a battle for many years, Jane succumbed to her physical condition.

Jane died on September 5th, 1984. Since then Rob has published two more books that they worked on together and has begun to republish many of the earlier editions.

About The Author

Patti Nicholson is author and co-instructor of the Personal Development Series, "Thought Construction" and "Conscious Creation"; a 10 week class series based on Seth's concepts of creating our reality, which she has read and studied since the early 70's.  She is also a co-founder of Spiritual Endeavors, graphic artist & Internet designer and co-creator of spiritual-endeavors.org.

Patti channels Jebadiah, better known as Zeb. Although rarely speaking in public situations, Zeb and The Collective have shared their wisdom, guidance, encouragement, gentle warmth and loving kindness, quietly playing a major role in the formation and evolution ofSpiritual Endeavors.

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