C I V I L - S E R V A N T S - O F - E V I L - R A D I O - S H O W

The Civil Servants of Evil is a libral web radio show broadcasted from Houston, Texas. We do not as yet have a live server broadcast, but you can still download the episodes as Real Audio files. The show is uploaded on the web every Saturday, and is hosted by the two deliquents, Chuck Farley and Riboflavin. We speak out for social activists against the tyranny of goverment, corporate, and racist groups.
Mail Man Stan doin his thing.
Latest Episode

July 5, 1999 - Riboflavin is back, the show is late from it's normal broadcast time. The school system is discussed, it's paperwork, inefficeny, dress codes, and police on campus. The phone poll was cut short as most be seemed to disconnect their phones the second we went on the air.
Quote Of The Day:
"Life is like a crap sandwich, the more bread you got, the less crap you got to take."
In order to contact us, send e-mail to
Your letter will promptly be fowarded to our trash bin. We will read any letters we get on the air, whether they are compliments, questions, or death threats. Page best viewed by holding the monitor close to your face.
D o w n l o a d
A b o u t U s
L i n k s

What this is all about:
  • Open a few minds to a different teenage perspective.
  • Finally putting that microphone to use.
  • Bring down the corrupt money grubbing society that we live in.
  • Deliever justice to the unjustified.
  • Provide a medium to express ourselves.
  • Provide a medium to spread our own non commercial propaganda.
  • Provide a medium to say bitch a ridiculous amount of times.
  • Make a web radio show? Hell, why not?
Message of the Week
Riboflavin was busy at the Warp Tour. However, I was broke, so I didn't go. Andy Social paid us a visit and we discuss the punk scene and censorship of music. This was kind of a short episode, but mainly because we didn't have so many awkward pauses as we did have in the last show. Meanwhile we are trying to find any way of getting our web site out on the internet, so we are holding a contest. For every link that you get a web site or web ring to put our URL on, we will send you TWO CENTS!!! Do not miss out on this deal! And that 2 cents is completely deductible... from your savings. Just get us some damn links. We're too busy. It's for a good cause. More or less.

From Ray Winoinger's book, Underground

This Class Struggle Webring Site is owned by
Chuck Farley & Riboflavin

This Radical Youth Webring site owned by Chuck Farley & Riboflavin
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