Canadian Prime Minister Chretien's Speech

September 16th In Ottawa, Canada....

The day of mourning was called

to honour the memory of the

thousands of people --

Americans, Canadians and others --

who lost their lives Tuesday

in the suicide airplane attacks

that brought down the towers of

the World Trade Center in New York,

demolished part of the Pentagon

and crashed a plane in Pennsylvania.

Foreign Affairs officials

say between 60 and 100 Canadian

citizens are still unaccounted for,

but so far only two deaths

have been confirmed.

Mr. Chretien said Canadians

of every faith and nationality

were assembled at memorial services

across the country, united in outrage,

grief, compassion and resolve to maintain the

North American way of life.

"Even when we weep for our own dead,

the message we send to our American

friends is equally clear:

Do not lose courage.

You are not alone in this.

We are with you.

The entire world is with you,"

Mr. Chretien said.

"As your fellow Americans grieve

and rebuild, there will be no silence

from Canada.

Our friendship has no limits.

Generation after generation

we have travelled many difficult

miles together side by side.

We have lived through many dark times,

always firm in our shared resolve to

vanquish any threat to freedom and justice,

and together with our allies we will defy and

defeat the threat that terrorism poses to all

civilized nations."

"Mr. Ambassador, we will be with

the United States every step of the way,

as friends, as neighbours, as family."

"You truly are our closest friends,"

Prime Minister Of Canada, Mr Chretien

Ottawa Citizen
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