Genar started climbing up,and over the lofty peaks.Making his own path,where none had been before.Loping ahead of him,Areta and Ginga,nostrils flaring,tasting the air for any unknown odor.

Ears alert for sounds,so they could also alert Genar to any danger ahead.Boulders lay in his path,some he had to climb over,some meant finding a way around them.

Watching his progress,was a rogue dragon called,Elbe.He had left the brood of Lorete,when very young.He had his own ideas as to what should be done with these puny creatures that shared his world.

While Lorete slew them,Elbe wanted them as his slaves.To find his food,as Elbe was a lazy dragon.He was also a coward.

Altho fierce looking,and when erect a formidable creature he had yet to slay anyone.

Genar knew not,that Elbe was watching their progress,but Areta and Ginga grew nervous.

No sounds were reaching their ears,no smells they didnt know,but they felt a strangeness,and a fear growing as they made their way,up the peaks of Dana.

Also among those peaks were other young dragons,fightng like the young they were.

They had no ties to any brood,had taken no names for they wanted only to fight,to fly high in the sky,and to sleep in the warmest plains they could find.

Little did they know,they were going to play a crucial part in this unfolding saga.

And,had they known,they might have flown away,quivering with fear.

Other dragon were watching,and listening to the tales of what Lorete had done.Some who had not ventured forth,or thought about what was happening around them.

So it was with the Pink dragon.But now the anger,and hate running among the dragon folk,was lighting a fire,she did not know she still had.

Not since she had slew her last puny man,and paid the price of banishment,had she felt such feelings.She had come to believe those days of battle were over,but now she knew another battle must be fought.

Her name is,Asic,and she is nearly as old as Rosa.Not that she had ever seen Rosa,but legend held there was such a dragon.

Asic felt an end was coming to the ways of life,she and the other dragon folk among the Mountains Of Dana,had enjoyed over many millions of years.And the blame lay at the feet of Lorete.

A cry had gone out for all dragon folk to come to the Palace Of Dragons,to talk to Zelin,the wizard.He had been the one,who had brought them all here,when time began.

So,Asic sent out a message to gather and waited for the reply she hoped would come.

And Genar,and Py kept getting closer.Closer to the harbor where the Guard Dragon waited,protecting the Palace Of Dragons.

And on the mountain peak,Rosa who knew all,saw all bounded in to the air,to finally make her presence known to the dragon folk,and to also go to the Palace Of The Dragon.

Rosa had a plan of her own,and wanted to present it in the gathering.

And Genar,and Py traveled on.

Genar heard in the far distance,cries of battle.The screams of the wounded,the dying,and Areta and Ginga growled and the hair on their backs stood up.

Leaping over the last boulder,Genar found in front of him a battle like he had just lived those many days ago.

Another slaying was taking place,and again at the orders of Lorete.But this time he knew he was not going to be lying wounded and bleeding in a crevice.

He took sword in hand,and bounded in to save the two girls left standing in that bloody scene.

All were dead,but these two.Genar drove the evil one away,and stood there,his chest quivering from the battle.

The girls were sisters,and they were named,Nola,and Lanol. They were alone now,and Genar knew he must take them with him.

They to had lost the only family they knew,and although they would hamper his journey,Genar was elated deep with in.

No longer was he alone.Not that they would replace Belin,but he had someone to be with him,besides his companions Areta and Ginga.

So,as it always is,a new bond was formed,and the beginnings of what was to be called the Clan Of Genar.

But that is another story.

Telling Lanol of his own loss,and the search he was on to find his son.she quickly agreed to go with him.

Nola,was frightened,but agreed as well,and once again Genar helped them prepare their family,and gathered together what they could,and left the bloody scene never looking back.

Once more,now three,they continued climbing in to the peaks of the Mountains Of Dana.I am coming Jana,thought Genar,I am coming.

And Py continued on his way as well.But on another quest and on another peak.

Remember Elbe? The fellow decided he had best take sides,before it was to late,so he left his lair to go to Lorete.

He was sure,that she would be the winner,in this battle,and being the coward he was,he wanted to be on the winning side.

Of course he never gave a thought to what would happen,if she lost,so sure was he.

He flew as fast as he could go,covering many miles,to be sure he would be there before it began.And I am sure he also felt he would be safe in the lair of Lorete.

Oh foolish fellow.Instead of flying to safety,he was flying direct to where te battle lines were to be drawn.

He knew nothing of the gathering about to be held at the Palace Of The Dragon.

Fly on foolish Elbe,fly on.

And Genar,and his companions drew closer,and Py,now was close behind.

Darh,paced in the halls of the Palace,waiting for the rest of the Queens to arrive.She felt Mento would be first,followed by the rest.

The harbor guard was in place,ready to protect every one in case of a surprise attack from Lorete.

Darh had heard of another attack Lorete had ordered,and the meeting of Genar,with Nola and Lanol.

She also knew they were going in to a terrible danger facing Lorete in her lair.So far all reports said Jana was still alive,and unharmed.

How long he would stay so,she could only guess.

She paced back and forth in frustration,why was it taking so long,for them to come? Were they going to answer her summons?

And Genar,and his group moved closer,and Py stood above them.Should he join them? He knew where they were going but he had been sent for a different task.

Quickly he decided,yes,he would.It would take more than one man,no matter how brave,to rescue Jana.And Genar now had two others to protect.

Calling,to Genar,he climbed down and stood by his side. I am going with you.he told Genar,and together we may be able to save Jana.

Look out Lorete!!. Py,and Genar,are coming,and you have a terrible price to pay.

Out side the Palace,stood Zelin.He to was waiting for the sound of dragon wings.He looked to the sky,and shook his wand,trying to see what was coming. What would tomorrow bring? Tomorrow was the Gathering.The deciding would all be done tomorrow.

Questions,my readers?

Chapter Three