When I first heard this was the name of the tour I was like..OK John is going through some midlife crisis....

But then I got a history lesson about the name and I gotta say ....John you go you little bastard...cocky is a good term : )

I know I am not the only one who when a tour is coming or something JM is coming up you end up getting real mellencoly and rip out the old cd's and just listen your little heart out..

and....swearing to god you can sing just like JM...and conviencing yourself that if JM picks you to sing with him you got those words down pack...

his live versions and his cd versions...and you watch every bit of video you can cause you wanna get those moves down pack like John : )

Or...planning out that outfit you think will catch John's eye...or getting butterflies in your belly thinking of meeting that mellenbud you have been talking to for what seems forever and you are finally going to meet them at a mellencamp concert no just couldn't get anybetter huh..or meeting that soul mate and your fingers are black and blue from haveing them crossed on the drive there or plane ride to meet that person for the first time hopeing they are as kewl in person as on the computer...

and hey best of all seeing your mellenbuds you already know...or sad thought not getting to see one of the cherrybombs : (

Wishing those from across the ocean could join you....feeling so damn happy you are going to see John but then feeling bad cause some are not so lucky.

Camera or no camera...chance it or not...tape recorder...thats a no no hehe... Makeup or no...god if you cry you will look kinda silly there with black mascara down your face now won't ya...oh thats right only gals cry huh fellows..

Grab John....ohhhhhhhhhhh no way...that is a mellensin my friends...and remember there are mellenheads out there that are very very protective of John...there I go LOL talking about myself....hey I am still wondering if there is a position open for a female body guard for him.

Mentally praising Toni and Tony and all the others for all the hard work they have put into this so you have a great time...well go ahead and say it outloud : )


is he gonna sing dance naked ?

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minutes to memories...hell ya!