Season's First Snow

The first snow -- a change of mood does bring ...
Of thoughts of Christmas and carols to sing.
A hundred Christmas trees I didn't know I had
Bring their wintery peacefulness to make us glad.

Between whiffs of snow, Mother Nature finds
It hard to look for things she has left behind.
A snow that covers trees like churches with spires
Is sure to whisper new thoughts of Christmas desires!

When the sun shines no warmer than the moon
Through the bitter frost, the trees have become
Like separate stars in the out-of-doors.
Their crackling branches and icicle light ...
Bring glimpses of Christmas ... to our delight!

This quiet solitude I send to you
In a picture postcard scenic view.
A little of this beauty can remind us of the reason
For the true spirit to this Holiday season.

Let's keep the world more joyful, families close,
And friendships dear!


By Darle (copyright 2006)

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