Dazyroses Home Away From Home

I love to chat and decided to create a site to hopefully help others get started in chatting< But, watch out! Chat is Addicting!
I hope you find lots of things here to help you using Mirc and that will help to make Mirc more fun. When Your on mirc I hope to visit with you sometime. Have fun and come back often!

Join Dazyrose in Chat
I Love to Chat on Mirc.
Join Me in ICQ.
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Happy Valentines Day.

This part of my site is dedicated To the fact that I love to CHAT I hope to have help for MIRC on my MIRC pages with information on how to set up MIRC and how to use it and popups and wavs

I hope if you have ICQ you will check out my ICQ pages as well Have Fun...Hope to see you in Chat!

If you chat on ICQ Be sure to add me to your contact list...

Click on My House to visit.... Dazyroses Online Country Mall-- Over 120 shoppes and growing weekly...shop avon, fingerhut, staples, barnes and noble and alot more! Something for everyone on your gift giving list
If you love Crafts be sure to visit.... Dazyroses Craft Corner Crafts for the Holidays or just to make your house a home! Great for Gift Giving! Also links to other great sites for crafts, freebies for crafters, links to craft suppliers, and patterns.
While your here be sure to stop by.... Dazyroses Online Casino's--- If you love playing blackjack, the slots, poker, the lottery, pennykeno and more you will Love this! Lots of casino's to choose from so be sure to visit them all to find your favorite! Let me know when you "Win Big" so I can add you to my pages of winners. Email Dazyrose

Pages of Fun