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Creator Interviews
You want fan faves like Mark Waid, Devin Grayson? You've got it!

Casting Calls
Like these perfectly casted movies will ever be made

Character Bios
Get the scoop on your favorite DC teen hero

DC Teens Project
Help me keep a running total on ALL the DC teen heroes

DC Teens Quiz
You think you really know your stuff?

Battle Royale
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My Dragon Con Adventure
It was hot and I had my wife and kids with me, but it was fun

You Know You're Way Too Obsessed With DC Teens When ...
Does this really need an explanation?

Casting Call

Wouldn't a movie based on the DC teens rock major world? You know it! Well, until we actually get to see one, I thought I'd get us at least a few teasers of what could be.

Here are the existing Casting Calls:

Which DC teens should be next to have a Casting Call? You decide!

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