The Officer’s Rant column, last month, achieved one of it’s objectives: I got at least one letter of disapproval (you can read excerpts on page 3). I’m glad that someone was reading, out there, and cared enough to comment. By calling it a rant (to talk in a loud, wild, extravagant way, according to Webster’s) I tried to position it in a humorous light, but the frustrations Ed was expressing are a very real part of running any volunteer group, not just Mensa. If any of you were offended, all I can say is that, obviously, he wasn’t talking about you. By the way, Central Pennsylvania Mensa has a similar article in their newsletter this month.
Take a look at our Calendar page to see what activities are coming up. We are trying something very different (at least for us) for our holiday meeting, check it out. Take a look at some meeting reports to see what you missed – even if you were there. If you are looking for something you don’t see here, all you have to do is pick a day and call me to put it on the calendar. And if you have anything to say to Delaware Mensa, just drop me a line (e-mail preferred) and see your name in print. Don’t forget, I’m in need of contributions to the newsletter – an article; a column; poetry; art; anything. I hope to hear from you soon.
Keith Johnson, editor.