Congratulations - your Officer’s Rant column in the October 2001 issue of DelaMensa has motivated me to finally speak up. Although I have not participated in any events recently, I have until now enjoyed reading the newsletter. However, your “Rant” column may have had the opposite effect from what you intended in motivating participation of members.

I have participated I Mensa events in the past, back in the days of “Llovable Lloyd”. Since rejoining, I did receive a nice email from Ed that was encouraging and welcoming. I am participating right now only by reading the newsletter from beginning to end each month, buy I have maintained a continuing desire to participate in person in the future. After Ed’s recent column, I’m not so sure.

If you are truly looking to “meet new people and make friends”, I suggest that GUILT or INSULT is not the way to engage people. Take a lesson from some of your other Mensa friends I have met in the past. Appreciate and enjoy the company of those who do come, be kind to all your fellow Mensans, and maybe some of the ”silent” members will want to participate in the future!

Gail Lear

Newark DE

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