ÐX spots

ÐX Main page:
ÐX Bz Page :
clan picture collection:
ÐX allys/enemys/rules:
ÐX Message Board:
ÐX sign up sheet:
bad ass billys bz armory:
Hall of Fame:

degenerates visited

some BAD & DISTURBING NEWS on me and DX that will most definatly cripple if not finally kill off dx in bz!

May/4/1999 (a day before my b-day)

first i'd like to thank all of you for staying with dx and thank you 
for sending me the b-day icq cards and etc..

now for the bad news,  i've been grounded, by my parents, for getting
2 bad grades on my report card. (a 62 & a 64)  i am estimating this 
but i figure i can be back online june 15th.  untill then,  if you 
want to you all can move on.  when i get back online i'll see how much
of dx is left and decide if its worth fixing dx bz or move on to a 
new game.
so untill my parents decide to let me use the pc again i hope dx will
live on... but if it dosn't i'll understand.  



please don't send any messages to me cause i wont get them.  i'll 
contact all of you when i can.



i have put links up to the hall of fame on the site.  i know its a day
early but i'm not sure if i'm gonna be online tommarrow.  check it out
and e-mail me/icq me/ or put your replies about the hall of fame up 
in the dx message board.   

i guess we won't have a full clan for dx's bday but what can i do?


Today we have recieved a new member.  WolfStare, recruited by bad
ass billy, has played bz for a long time and from what i hear is a
good pilot.  I have updated the roster, the hall of fame is pretty
much finished and i am getting ready to make a new banner for the 
news page that will have bz in action for its background.  
5 days left till dx's birthday.  Sadly i found out that dx isn't 
the oldest active clan in bz. (i don't believe that) We are the 
oldest american clan and oldest in us1.  i hear that nhw is in
uk server.  they did leave bz though so we are the oldest bz clan
and thats the bottom line.  

And if your not down with that,  we got 2 words 4 ya:
SUCK IT!!!!!!


6 days left till dx's birthday.  i have almost finished the hall
of fame. The News page will work like this from now on.  I am going 
to put a picture up on top of this list of news.  If you want to you
can send your pics in and i'll put 1 up.  maybe i'll put one below it
too.  i'm not sure yet.  SEND THEM IN TODAY!! I am going to set up a
group game soon.  i havn't set a time yet but it will be played in our server. 

today in a strat me and bad ass encountered a worlock guy. 
He got mad cause bad ass kicked him from the strat and said 
he was gonna get the worlocks and hel after us. I think it 
was all just talk but if its a war he wants then its a loss 
on their records he's gonna get when we trample over 
worlocks and hel.


Clan dx's birthday is almost here.  on April 12th dx will officially
be 1 year old.  To celebrate the clans birthday i am making a dx hall
of fame and i will release it to the public on the 12th.  To thank all
of you members i'm going to put every one of you up there to for being
the guys in the clan when i made the new roster.  People in the hall 
of fame will never be forgotten.  for more hall of fame info wait for 
it to be released.  Also to celibrate the clans birthday i am going to
put up about 10 new flags in the flag section. 
Dx is in need of members.  GO out there and get us ppl.  We need 9 
more ppl until the roster is filled up.  Maybe we can have full 
capacity for dx's birthday.
i am making an official new rule stating that no member can be a
member of any other clan except dx as long as their in dx. (unless i 
give the order to someone to spy on another clan) the punnishment for
being in multiclans will result in suspention and if i feel necisary
i will throw you out on the spot.
All generals are to evaluate their guys and icq me their results.


i have made xpac a general again.  if you see the name 
{md} smokejumper in bz tell me and pac is out on the road and kicked
from dx.  i also gave him my spot in evaluating ppl.  

go out there and get us members!!!

i've recieved an icq from chw appleseed and he is making a bombers
tornament.  i'm planing on making a team composed of me/bad ass billy/
cool killer/ and road dogg as the substitute.  
if the rest of you members want to you can creat a team too. the site is at
rember to keep in communication with dx cause after 2 weeks, you won't be dx. 
unless you tell me in advance that your gonna be gone 4 a while.