
This Man
Written by Paul Landis Delaune


     You see this man in this wheelchair? What do you see when you look at him? What do
you feel in your heart when you look at him? Do you see a man at all? Or do you see a thing, a non-person? Do you feel respect?  Or do you feel pity? Do you feel admiration and even envy?
Or do you feel gratitude you do not have to live in such a state?

     You see this man in this wheelchair? What do you see when you look at him? Do you see intelligence, a keen mind? Or do you see stupidity?  Do you see the degrees hanging on his wall?
Do you see the certificates?  Do you see the long hours of study?  Do you see the skills he
possesses? Do you see the months and years he spent honing those skills?

     You see this man in this wheelchair? What do you see when you look at him? Do you
see a warrior? Or do you see a decrepit, useless person?  Do you see the battles and the wars
he’s fought? Do you see the scars on his soul? Do you see the horrors he’s faced alone? Do
you see the eternity he languished in Hell while struggling to free himself from the clutches of
fear? Do you see the giant who stands tall in his mind?


     You see this man in this wheelchair? What do you see when you look at him? Do you see
a lover? Or do you see impotence? Do you see a man of passion? Do you see a gentle,
tender lover? Do you see a man who touches others’ hearts and souls with his words and his
intellect? Do you see a man who loves deeply?

     You see this man in this wheelchair? What do you see when you look at him? Do you
see a man of great humor? Or do you see tears and sadness? Do you see the smile that comes
easy and lights up his face? Do you hear the words that easily stir laughter in his friends and
acquaintances? Do you hear the laughter that often bubbles up from deep within him? Do you
see the enjoyment he derives from his life?

     You see this man in this wheelchair? What do you see when you look at him? Do you see a
man of strength? Or do you see weakness and atrophy? Do you see the spirit that races with the
wind? Do you see the wings that soar with eagles and angels alike? Do you see the Atlas who
patiently shoulders the world that is his life?

     You see this man in this wheelchair? What do you see when you look at him? Do you see an abundant soul? Or do you see poverty and welfare? Do you see the riches of his life? Do you see
the joys, the loves, the dreams that cannot be bought and sold? Do you see purpose and
contributions that cannot be measured in money or property?

     You see this man in this wheelchair? What do you see when you look at him? Do you see a
minister of God? Or do you see a man cursed by Fate? Do you see a man who has heard Spirit’s
voice and who has worked out his own salvation? Do you see a man who has climbed the Mount
of God and received the blessings of the Eternal?