The Rainbow Window

This window depicts hope. 
Its arc shape recalls the story of Noah 
and the flood. 

A careful look reveals 
the Christian fish symbol 
in the lead within the cross.

The Cross of Fire

Recalls the story of Moses and the burning bush. 

It could also be viewed as a Pentecost window, 
as fire is an emblem of The Holy Spirit.

The Tree

Depicts the seasons of life: Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter.  

Notice how the lead is used as twigs on the winter side of the tree. 

The window reminds the believer of the Tree of Life, 
or the shoot from the stump of Jesse, or new life from the old.  

This window takes us from the Old Testament into the New Testament 
for the theme of the windows.

The Star of Bethlehem

heralds the birth of our Savior Jesus. 

He is the Bright and Morning Star


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