Room One-Fifteen


Chris Brockhan

Chris Brockhan

Home: Houston, Texas                
B-day: February 19, 1980
School: East Texas Baptist Univ., Marshall, Texas (senior)
Gear: Ampeg B2R Head, BSE 410HLF Ampeg Cabinet, and a
  Peavey International series II

     Chris will be a senior next year at East Texas Baptist University in Marshall, TX, and has been there three years as a Sacred Music major.  Chris enjoys leading worship and hopes to largely include this into his work later on in life.  In the meantime he is making music, working, and a full-time student.  He loves playing guitar and bass, writing, playing basketball, watching movies, and playing almost any kind of board game, especially Risk.  Although he knows he wants to be in the ministry and use music, there is no definite thing set in Chris' mind about where he is going.

     “When I started composing music I was already writing poetry.  Words were never a problem.  Now though, I am advancing much faster in music through school and my friends, so music is coming to me quick and I make songs up before I have any words!  I am also leaning towards playing guitar with Stephen, instead of bass.  I’ve gotten MUCH better at bass, but making a good bass line is very tough when you’re singing everything…and two guitars adds a good thickness for a two person band.”

     The songs that stick out in Chris’ head from Room 115 work are “Something Right” and “Watch it Fade”.

Stephen's bio>>