Online Friends "Oh Oh" means one thing to us,
Another online friend is calling!

This is inspired by a caller's remark,
Valentine's day just didn't touch his heart!
But hey, that's cool,
He touched mine,
and hearts here rule!

hugs to our online friends,
di & flybynite

Online Hearts

Hi there! So glad you stopped by!
Another heart has made you cry?
Let's talk this out and listen my dear,
Your heart will mend in time on here.

All right, so it's Friend's Day!
Humbug, hate it, you say?
All commercialism, no fun in that?
But friend, have a heart, take time to chat...

This page has been visited times.

For my heart is online each day
Telling you how this friend cares,
And that it does hurt me in every way
to see your words of pain and despair.

Why not join your heart with mine?
Take a chance on a caring friend.
We’ll spill our secrets line by line,
For cyber space, just never ends.

There we’ll share our problems and some tears,
Each will listen and bring back the cheers.
Then this day won’t seem so sad
If you'll let me ease the bad.

Not convinced?

You want I should forget this day?
Candy and flowers too much to pay?
But here online it seems so right..
Sending urls through the night

So come my friend and take a chance,
What harm could it really do?
Why live alone in a trance?
When online friends will stand by you?

I feel your smile you know,
So even if it’s time to go,
My random heart sends to you
A new friendship to chase the blues.

You accept? Ah, my heart’s delight!
Now it’s really friends tonight!
So glad I was able to stay online,
To share a url of mine.
So Remember…

A heart needs you each moment you're online,
Share a laugh, encourage them from time to time,
Today is not the only day to share,
Take a moment to show your tender care.

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