**NOTE: make sure you have read all the rules below before entering!
1. Your site must be Leonardo DiCaprio related.
2. Your site cannot contain offensive material.
3. In the event of winning, you must place the award
(using the HTML code we provide) on your main or awards page within
one week (7 days).
4. Your page must be original. Pages that "stand out" have a better
chance of winning than a page that is only a long line of text, or
is only links.
5. You have a MUCH better chance of winning if you don't have broken
images or links.
6. You also have a better chance of winning if your page loads up
quickly, and you have UPLOADED your images. If your page is slow
to load, BUT it is "worth it", then you do have a chance at winning.
Well, that's it! Now fill out this form, and your page will be entered to win our award!!