Kallithea quarter, during the Turkish domination, was out of the walls of Thessalonika and the monastery of Mevlevi was part of this quarter.
The elements of the monastery in the documents are :
Estate of Mohamedan court Mevlevi Terkiah Sherif : with "salaghane", rooms, cemetery and marble well!
The establisher was Etmektsi Zake Ahmet Pasha. The extent was 22.000 yards Boundaries from three parts.
Nemazkiah garden of Mevliahane.
Price : 10.000 gold pounds of Turkey.
In the same area, that is out of the walls of Thessalonika there was also the Turkish cemetery which was near the monastery of Mevlevi. The quarter out of the walls in Lagada str was called "tsair" by the Turks and Irinis str was called "mevliahane". The area where the monastery was, was called "melviahane" too.

After the destruction of Asia Minor and when Greece and Turkey entered into a treaty for the exchange of population, the plots which belonged to Moslems and this estate, came to the administration of the Greek State.
Later they passed to the service of administration of exchangeable estates(ΥΔΑΜΚ) and today to the administration of exchangeable property (ΔΑΠ) which is part of the state service of property. This estate has been given the number "exchangeable estate No 5017".
In this estate there was also a constration with a well.
Later this area and some more was given to the refugees who inhabited it and named it Kallithea (good view).

In 1937, as we can see in a document of the General administration of Macedonia "the exchangeable estate No5017" was separated into smaller plots under the number "exchangeable estate No10619".
Our primary school was build in one of these plots and another one was given for the building of the church of Revealed Virgin Mary.