Ev's Lynx
My Favorite Fender Stop
Did I mention I just got a new Fender guitfiddle? It looks something like this, only it's ivory with a white pick gaurd. And a new amp... it looks,... uhhh exactally like this

Papercup's Better Than Ezra Web Site
This is the bestest BTE web site ever

Dharma Sons Web Site
This is one of the best sites I've ever seen. Not only are the Dharma Sons a really awesome local (dat's Pittsburgh, pronounced Piks-Burge) band,... they're very nice guys (not to mention quite funny on the side) but this site has Jave Scripted Guitar Tabs with audio of each tab... CHECK IT OUT!

The Official IRC Homepage
Go get IRC (awesome chat program) and come talk to me! If I'm on-line, I'll probably be there

Mike's Page
He's really nice (sometimes) and really cute (all the time), although you should watch out for some of his lynx cos if you wind up on the wrong page you could be beat to death,... no 'fense Erin, I'm sure none taken though, right?

Even if you don't like JNCOs, this is a really rad web site and kinda' funny

The Official Stone Soup Web Site
Stone Soup, their album is called Self Titled Debut, really cute guys (haha I'm sure), but anyways, it's a great site and they're an incredible band and to top it off, they're nice local boys --from Pittsburgh, that is.

The First Marilyn Hanson Web Page
You gotta' laugh, it's really just so damn funny no matter how you look at it,...

Craig's Tonic Web Site
Okay, so Craig my suck but I'll give him this-- he web sites rock. This is like THE Tonic Web Site, it's probably the best one avalible...

The Official Nada Surf Web Site
Yummm, Nada Surf,... yummm, Matthew Caws,...

an offical Bush Web Site

an official Oasis web site

I have like three pairs, 'cos they're really rad, check it out, you can like, dress like me :) I have a pair that look supthin like this... go ahead get 'em and dress like me,... and acording to this Erin chick who worships silverchair, I'm a teenybopper, BE A TEENYBOPPER WITH ME! C'mon! Wear huge jeans or cargos with Nikey socks, pull your hair up in pig tails and wear blue or brown Airwalks! IT'S FUN! you can't appriciate my wonderful sense of sarcasim on the 'Net, that sux 'cos it's certainly sumptin to behold

T H E - D I S H W A L L A - M E N U