check here for the latest news on Vampires and the actors we love portraying them as well as DVD releases, Books and Music of interest.

Book News-Out Now!


Lady Crymson- A vampire Files book

Murder Most Romantic- Anthology

Quincy Morris, Vampire- A sequel, of sorts, of Dracula

With Nigel Bennett-His Fathers Son

Amanda Ashley

Beyond Twilight-Anthology-Oct

TBA Feb 2001

Christine Feehan

Dark Magic

Beyond Twilight-Anthology-Oct

Laurell K. Hamilton

Out of this World-Anthology

Narcissus in Chains-Nov

Obsidian Butterfly

Susan Sizemore

Laws of the Blood:The Hunt

Laws of the Blood:Partners

Nancy Gideon

Midnight Redeemer

Midnight Masquerade-Oct