Forever Knight Season Three

Season Three Cast

Season three was a season of change.

Schanke was killed in a explosion.

leaving Nick with a rookie partner named Tracy Vetter, the Commisioner's daughter

Janette was gone, leaving LaCroix in charge of the Raven

There were some new Vampires in town

Javier Vachon-A 400 year old vampire, he is running from his responsiblilies to his creator. He ends up in Toronto, and falls for Nicks partner

Screed is Vachon's friend, and part of the crew that runs with Vachon. He perfers the blood of rats to humans, and in the end, it kills him

Urse is Vachon's childe, as unhappy as Nick about being a vampire. She is a stripper at the Raven, and is drewn ot Nick and his search for humanity