Do you *really* want to know?
Name:  Lynn Gregg
Alias:  pythia
Age:  chronologically, 31
Residence:  Kentucky
Hair:  A little too red
Eyes:  Blue
Height:  About the same as Scully
Religion:  Lapsed Agnostic
Marital status:  Married
Children:  None
Pets:  1 Persian cat, 2 geckos, 1 snake
Occupation:  Internet services
Educational Background:  AAS in counseling and most of a Bachelors in psychology
Hobbies:  Writing, figure skating, Renaissance re-enactment, Egyptology,
net-surfing, dousing flamewars, playing with sharp pointy things,
neglecting my web pages, and others beyond number.
 Take me back to the Basement!