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(5 Oct 1854)
Lars Johansen age 59 wife, Anna Margrethe Sorensen Larsen age 57 son, Christian John Larsen age 23 his wife, Barbara Dorothea Olsen Larsen age 21 her brother, Waldemar Christian Larsen age 12 son, Soren Larsen age 32 his wife, Marie Fredericksen Larsen age 23 NOTES: The following children and grandchildren of Lars Johansen were also pioneers; daughter, Maren Larsen (age 19) arrived in Salt Lake on 7 Sep 1855 The following came to Utah on 7 Sep 1857 with the Mathias Cowley Company: son, Johannes Larsen (age 33) his wife, Anna Jorgensen Larsen (age 31) (4 children including a baby boy buried near Green River) son, Christian Greis Larsen (age 28) his wife, Caroline Maria Sorensen Larsen (age 18) son, Lauritz Larsen (age 23) his wife, Maria Thompson Larsen (age 23) Waldemar Christian Larsen died of cholera in St. Louis on 13 Dec 1854 The following relatives of Barbara Dorothea Olsen Larsen also came to Utah; brother, Christopher Marinus Olsen (in Utah prior to Oct. 1854 brother, Gideon Elias Olsen sister, Julia Olsen (may have also come to Utah) The Lars Johansen group were part of a company of 301 Danish Saints, later joined by 33 German Saints, under the leadership of Christian John Larsen. They traveled by boat from Copenhagen, Denmark to Kiel, Germany; from there by train to Gluckstadt, by steamer down the Elbe River and on to Hull, England where they took a train for Liverpool, England. They departed Liverpool on 3 Jan 1854 on the ship "Jesse Munn". They arrived in New Orleans on 16 Feb 1854. They arrived in St. Louis on 11 Mar 1854 and then traveled on to Kansas City and on to Westport. They were joined by the Hans P. Olsen Company and Capt. Olsen was put in charge. They arrived in Salt Lake City on 5 Oct 1854 before settling at Kingston's Fort in South Weber. From there they settled in Spring City, with Christian J. and Barbara making their final home in Logan.



(15 Sep 1861)
Thomas Edward Titensor age 37 wife, Sarah Robbins Titensor age 32 daughter, Susannah Titensor age 6 son, George Titensor age 4 daughter, Mary Ellen Titensor age 2 daughter, Sarah Titensor age 1 The company left Florence, Nebraska on 30 Jun 1861 and arrived in Salt Lake on 15 Sep 1861. The family made their permanent home in Richmond, Cache County.
SOURCE: Perpetual Emigration Fund (Book)-Microfilm 25686 (FHL) Tues, July 2nd: "The first company of Emigrants was organized consisting of 514 souls and encamped on Spring Creek, about 1 1/2 miles from Florence (Neb.), with the following officers; Ira Eldridge Capt. Soln (?) McIntosh Asst., Wm. Crosby, Capt. of Right Guard and commisary, John Cook commissary and Chaplain, John Reed Clerk July 3rd: Travelled 5 hours and camped at "Big Pappio" 10 miles west of Florence. Good feed. July 4th: On the same ground. July 5th: Change made in arrangement of Camp but still on same ground. July 6th: same ground. July 7th: A new camp was formed 1/4 mile off. July 8th: On the same ground. July 9th: Travelled 10 miles and encamped on the Elkhorn River. July 10th: Same July 11th: Travelled 1 1/2 hours and encamped. July 12th: Same. July 13th: Travelled 5 hours and encamped near the "Dale House" on the Flat Slough 3 miles west of Fremont. July 14th: Travelled 5 hours 10 min. and rested on the Platte. Started again and travelled 3 hours. Good camping ground. July 15th: Travelled 4 1/2 hours. Stopped. Travelled again 3 1/2 hours and encamped for the night on the Platte. July l6th: Travelled 2 1/2 hours and stopped. Travelled again l 1/2 hours. Crossed the Loup Fork at the ferry and camped. July 17th: Travelled 4 1/4 hours nooned. Afternoon travelled 4 hours and encamped on the Platte by "Eagle" Is. July 18th: Travelled 6 1/2 hours nooned. Travelled again 3 1/2 hours an camped for the night. July 19th: Travelled 4 1/2 hours. Also 3 1/2 hours and encamped on the Platte. July 20th: Travelled then Korralled, we had a very heavy thunderstorm at noon. Travelled again 1 1/2 hours. Crossed the Ford of Wood River and camped. July 21st: Travelled 4 1/4i hours. Camped on Wood River. July 22nd: Travelled 2 1/2 hours, Korralled. Took in the flour that was left at Johnsons. Capt, J, W. Young and Elders O. Pratt and E. Snow paid us a visit and held a meeting and all felt blessed In the camp but nothing of a serious nature at present. July 23rd: Travelled 4 1/4 hours and nooned on Wood River, Hitherto we have had good land to camp on with plenty of wood, water and feed. And we have also had several heavy storms but fine and cool weather for travelling. Afternoon travelled 31/4 hours. Camped on the Platte. July 24th: Travelled 4 hours 20 min. (10 miles). Afternoon travelled 3 hours. Camped on the Platte. July 25th: Travelled 4 1/2 hours. Also 6 hours, Camped on Platte close to Capt. Murdocks and Homes Companies. We travelled about 2 hours after sunset this day. July 26th: Travelled 3 hours 20 min. nooned. Travelled again 4 1/2 hours. Camped for the night. July 2?th: Travelled 5 hours in the morning, afternoon 4 hours. Camped on the Platte. Capt. Horne about 6 miles ahead. July 28th: Travelled 4 1/4 hours. We are quite near Homes Company again. We had a heavy sandy road this forenoon. Good feed, wood and water. Quite a number in the camp are sick. Capt. Eldridge believes it to be principally on account of the Saints drinking standing rain water and also several have bathed at noontime and others have eaten what they thought to be mushrooms. The weather Is very hot today, also yesterday for travelling. Afternoon travelled 3 1/2 hours camped on Skunk Creek. Today we passed Pawnie Spring. July 29th: Travelled 5 hours. Heavy sandy road. Afternoon 3 hours and camped on the Platte. July 30th: Travelled 5 hours, afternoon 4 1/2. Camped on the Platte. We have had very hot weather the last few days. July 31st: Fine weather. Travelled 6 hours. Crossed the Bluff Creek or Fork. Afternoon travelled 2 hours. Camped on the Platte. Heavy sandy roads all day. Aug. 1st: Travelled 5 hours 25 min. on sandy bluffs or hills. Afternoon travelled 4 hours. Camped on Goose Wig Creek on the Platte. Aug. 2nd: Morning 3 hours afternoon 5 1/2 hours. Camped on the side of a hill near a spring about 1 mile off the Platte. Aug. 3rd: Travelled 6 1/2 hours over a sandy road, hilly. Camped for the day. Aug. 4th: Travelled 4 1/2 hours. Moved near Ash Hollow. Afternoon 3 1/4 hours. Camped on the Platte, Had a heavy thunderstorm with rain. Aug. 5th: Travelled 5 3/4 hours, afternoon 3 1/4 hours. Camped on the Platte. Had a heavy thunderstorm with rain. Aug. 6th: Travelled 4 1/4 hours. Afternoon 2 hours. Camped about a mile off from the Platte near some rocky hills having the appearance of Ancient forts in ruins. Aug. 7th: Travelled 5 hours. Afternoon 3 hours. Camped on the Platte nearly opposite Castle Rock. Stormy night with heavy thunder and rain. Aug. 8th: Travelled 6 hours. Afternoon 3 1/4 hours. Camped on the Platte We have been near chimney rock all day. Aug. 9th: Travelled 4 3/4 hours. Afternoon 2 hours. Had to stop on account of a very heavy thunderstorm with rain which continued all night. Camped near the Scotch Bluffs. Aug.. 10th: Travelled 5 hours. Afternoon 4 hours. Camped on the Platte. Aug. 11th: Travelled 5 hours. Afternoon 4 hours 20 min. Camped on the Platte. Travelled 20 miles today. General poor health in the camp. Aug, 12th: Travelled 7 1/2 hours. Very hot and heavy sandy roads. We are now 2 miles east of Laramie. Evening travelled 2 hours. Camped on the Platte after passing Hornes and Murdock companies. Aug. 13th: Travelled 3 hours crossed the Platte and nooned. Afternoon 5 1/4 hours. Hilly and rocky road. No feed for cattle or very scarce. Aug. 14th: Travelled 3 1/4 hours and camped on Horse Shoe Creek. Aug. 15th: Travelled 3 3/4 hours nooned on the Platte. Afternoon 6 hours camped on the Platte. Good feed again. Aug. 16th: Travelled 7 hours and crossed the Platte. We are now on the right side going up. Evening 1 1/2 hours. Camped on the Platte. Our road today was rough as though we were in huge stone quarries. Aug. 17th: This morning we travelled about 2 miles along the Platte and crossed it again. 5 1/2 hours nooned. Afternoon 4 1/2 hours. Camped by LeBonte Creek which was nearly dry. Aug. 18th: Travelled 5 hours and camped about 2 miles west of Choer Creek Station. After getting in some flour we are still on the Platte left side going up. Capt. J. W. Young and Elders 0 Pratt and E. Snow came into camp this evening and attended, our meeting. Aug. 19th: Stormy morning. Travelled 4 hours 20 min. Evening 2 hours camped on the Platte. Elders Pratt and E. Snow with us. Aug. 20th: Cold and cloudy morn. Travelled 1/2 hour and had to stop for the rain. Evening travelled 4 3/4 hours and camped on the Platte. Aug. 21st: Rained all night. Cool and chilly morning. Travelled 1/2 hour crossed the upper bridge of the Platte and camped. The hills have the appearance of Cainpise (?) Hills In Scotland Afternoon 4 3/4 hours. It Is now hot during the day but cold at night. Aug. 22nd: Travelled 9 3 /4 hours. Camped on the hills. Good water but little feed for cattle. Aug. 23rd: Fine but cold. Started at 5 A.M. Travelled 2 hours. Breakfasted on Goose Creek 5 miles west of Cedar Spring's In a hollow or vale. Good feed and good water running down from the hills. Travelled again 4 hours 10 min. and camped on Greese (?) Wood Creek. Good feed and water. Aug, 24th: Travelled 8 1/2 hours (15 miles). We passed Independence Rock and Devils Gate today and camped 1 1/2 miles west of Duck Gate (?) on the Sweet Water. Good feed for cattle. Aug. 25th: Very fine weather for travelling. Travelled 4 hours 20 min. and nooned on the Sweet Water. There are quite a number of the cattle sick and some have died. Afternoon 3 hours 10 min. Camped on the Sweet Water. Aug. 26th: Travelled 4 1/2 hours. Nooned at the three Crossings of the Sweet Water. Afternoon 4 hours camped at the Crossing. We crossed the Sweet Water three times today. Aug. 27th: Travelled 4 1/2 hours. Dry camp. Afternoon 2 hours camped at the Hot Springs, which are also sulphurous. Aug. 28th: Late start. Fine morn. Travelled 2 3/4 nooned at Mud Creek. No feed. Stopped 1 1/2 hours. Afternoon 4 hours 40 min. and camped in a vale at which there is a good and very cold spring of water. Good feed. We struck off the Rocky Ridge Road yesterday a mile or 2 before we camped and we are on the Seminole Road, which is not so rough as the Rocky Ridge Road. Aug. 29th: Travelled 5 1/2 hours down to the Sweet Water. Afternoon 3 hours. Camped on the Upper Crossing of the Sweet Water. Aug. 30th: Frosty morn. Ice on the water. Travelled 3 hours 35 min. Camped for the day at the base of the South Pass on the Sweet Water. Quite a number of the cattle had to be shod on the account of lameness. Aug. 31st: Travelled 5 1/2 hours through the South Pass and across Pacific Creek. Nooned about 4 miles west of the Crossing. Dry camp, no feed. Afternoon travelled 8 hours and camped on Little Sandy. Good roads, good feed. and water. Sep. 1st: Very fine. Late start. Travelled 4 hours crossed Little Sandy and Big Sandy and camped on Big Sandy. Sep. 2nd: Frosty morn but hot after about 8 a.m. Travelled 4 hours and nooned on Big Sandy about 1/2 mile west of Koreall Hollow. Afternoon 3 1/2 hours. Camped at the Big Bend of the Big Sandy Good road feed and water. Sep. 3rd: Travelled 4 hours 40 min. Crossed and nooned on Green River. Good feed. Afternoon 4 hours. Dry camp but good feed. We struck off from the River across the hills. Good road. Sep. 4th: Fine mom Early start. Travelled 6 hours nooned on Florns (?) Fork after crossing it by the Bridge at the Mall Station. Afternoon 1 hour. Camped on Blacks Fork about 3 mile above the Mall Crossing. Good feed and water. Sep. 5th: Travelled 6 3/4 hours. Capped early on Blacks Fork after recrossing it. Good feed and water. Sep. 6th: Travelled 4 3/4 hours. Crossed again Blacks Fork. Also crossed Smiths (?) Fork and nooned. Afternoon 4 1/4 and camped about 1 mile west of the Fort at Bridger. Plenty of feed and water. Sep. 7th: Cool but nice fresh air. Travelled 6 1/2 hours nooned at the Forks on the Big Muddy. Good roads but hilly. Good feed and water, also on the road. Afternoon 1 1/4 and camped on the same valley near a, spring. Sep. 8th: Fine but cold. Travelled 8 hours on the Military Road. Very hilly but good. Crossed Bear River and camped on the Chalk Creek Crossing In a nice valley. Sep. 9th: Very fine but very cold. Travelled 7 1/2 hours down Chalk Creek Kanyon and camped 7 miles below the head of the Kanyon on Chalk Creek. Good feed but water scarce on this part of the Kanyon. Good road but hilly and steep. Sep. 10th: Frosty. Hot after about 8 a.m. Travelled down the Kanyon 4 hours and 10 min. and camped on the Creek. Afternoon 3 hours and camped In the Kanyon. Sep. 11th: Cold morn. Travelled 4 hours 20 min. down the Kanyon to the Weber and nooned in the Valley. The road is very rocky and the creek has to be crossed quite a number of times near the mouth of the Kanyon. Afternoon 2 1/2 hours. Crossed the Weber and camped. Sep. 12th: Travelled 5 3/4 hours nooned on Silver Creek. Very pleasant, good road. Afternoon 1 3/4 hours and camped outside Parleys Park. Sep. 13th: Camped all day on the same ground as the clerks came from the city to settle with the passengers. Sep. l4th: Travelled 6 hours 20 min. and camped In the Kanyon. Good road all down the Kanyon. Sep. 15th: Rolled down the Kanyon Into the Valley and Into the City after travelling 7 hours. Note: We have now travelled 503 hours 5 min. 1000 miles. The other portions of time that we have been on the Journey we have rested. We have had 6 births and 10 deaths on the Journey. John Reed, Comp, Clerk The transportation was purchased at $40.00 a head. There were fifty wagons to the company with ten to twelve persons to the wagon. Rations were provided by the company. The party followed the regular trail, out through central Nebraska, leaving the Wood River, and following the north bank of the Platte, then to South Pass, along the Sweetwater, the Green River, the Upper Bear, down Chalk Creek to Coalville, down Silver Creek Canyon to Parley's Park, down Parley's Canyon to the valley. The company proceeded under definite plans. They traveled no more than twenty-five miles a day and rested on Sundays. All other able-bodies men walked the entire distance. Camps were made at night In the circle formation with two men on guard. Each family received its rations each day. There was plenty of bacon and bread was baked in the evenings. No butter was to be had. The wagon train came through Parley's Canyon and down the Sugar House hill. It proceeded then to "Emigration Square", the ten acres upon which the City and County building now stands. They arrived in the afternoon of September 15, 1861. They camped for the night on the "square".
NOTES: The following relatives of Sarah Robbins Titensor were also pioneers; brother, George Robbins (died in St. Louis) sister, Alice Robbins (died on the plains) sister, Susannah Robbins Allsop (age 21) - died on the plains about 6 Aug 1854 [may have been a member of the Browne Company] her husband, John Allsop Two of Susannah Robbins Allsop's 3 children died at sea (twins)


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Dennis Larsen
10890 Bohm Place
Sandy, UT 84094
United States