First Aid For Pets

Unlike people, your pets can't tell you what's wrong when they are not feeling well.

They can't tell you what hurts, or why.

Many symptoms are common to both serious medical problems as well as innocent passing sickness. It's important, therefore, to recognize problems that need attention fast and to know what to do when you encounter them.

Remember: These are only first aid treatments and you should always follow your veterinarian's advice and ensure your pet gets to a hospital quickly.

Problems that Need Help Fast!

The following symptoms could mean your pet's life is in danger. Always call your veterinarian immediately if you notice any of these:

Blood in the stool, bleeding from the mouth or rectum, or bloody vomiting or diarrhoea. These can be indicative of many problems, including poisioning or internal haemorrhaging.

Continuous diarrhoea with no eating or drinking. If it persists, it can cause shock.

Difficulty in breathing, particularly with blue gums. This may be a sign of heart failure.

Abdominal swelling (bloating) with attempts to vomit, especially in large dogs. This is a particular serious emergency and may require immediate surgery.

Frequent drinking and urinating, accompanied by vomiting and diarrhoea.


What to Do

Keep calm! If you lose your head you won't be able to help.

Take note of any and all symptoms and be ready to describe them.

Contact a veterinarian immediately. Often, the advice may be life-saving.

Stop any bleeding. Shock can occur from loss of blood.

Maintain an airway.