How To Join The Kadanzer Jockey Club

The first rule of joining the Kadanzer Jockey Club (the KJC) is that you must be a legal member of Kadanzer Weyr. Joining the Weyr is free and easy -- if you are not a member already, why not sign up today? Just follow the link above, then return here!

Secondly, you must have an approved persona character that can logically own and race runners. Most holders and crafters fall into this category, but unfortunately, riders do not. This is due to the exigencies of riding fighting dragons in a Pass. Between riding to Fall, training to ride to Fall, and recovering from riding to Fall, a rider will not have time for much else.

The next step, then, is to create a stable using the following form. A racing stable is limited to a maximum of twenty active runners. You can have more runners -- bloodstock and unraced foals, for instance, but only twenty at a time can be active racers. Refer to the main page for more caveats and warnings. The listings for runners will be in the following format:

                Name: Plainsman

All names will be checked against the KJC Studbook, a listing of all active and inactive runners within the purview of the KJC. No duplication of names will be allowed to avoid confusion.

                Sex: colt
                Color/Markings: Bay, star

Runners are male (colts) female (fillies) or neutered males (geldings). Gelded runners tend to race a little better and have a longer career than their fully-male brothers, but they cannot be used to breed once they have been gelded. 

Just as there are no oddball-color dragons accepted, no oddball-color runners will be accepted either. Please stay within the standard horse colors when filling this field out. Markings default to white unless otherwise indicated. 

                Foaled: 2854.01.03

All racing runners are assumed to age one Turn at the beginning of a Turn, regardless of when they were foaled. This is for record keeping purposes, and it is advisable to set birthdates as early in the Turn as possible. For instance, if one colt is foaled on 01.01.2850 and another is foaled on 13.28.2850, both runners will be officially one Turn old on 01.01.2851. Granted, this is an extreme example, but for racing purposes, this is the way things are done. A runner with an early foaling date will usually have an advantage over a runner that is foaled later, as it has had more time to grow and mature.

                Died: ?
                Sire: Village Lord
                Dam: Sea Chanty
                Height: 15.0 hh

Height is measured in hands, a unit of measure consisting of four inches -- four inches equals one hand – and fractions thereof.  The runner shown above, for instance, stands 15 hands high (15.0 hh), which works out to 15x4”, or 60” tall. A runner measuring 15.1 hh would be 61” tall, 15.2 hh is 62”, 15.3 hh is 63”, and 15.4 hh equals 16 hh, or 64”. Pernese racing runners generally range from between 13 to 17 hands, averaging around 15.2 hh or so.

                Breeder: Lord Morgav, Cibola Hold
                Owner: Lord Morgav, Cibola Hold
                Record: 0-0-0-0

Enter your persona's name:

What is your e-mail address?

What is the name of your stable? (This is optional, but adds color.)

Tell us about your runners. (Remember, you are limited to a maximum of twenty racing runners. Entries over 20 will be ignored. Please use the above format.)


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