

Jab: If in your dream you were given a jab it is a warning that you are standing in your own way by underestimating yourself. If you dreamed of jabbing others you are warned to guard against a tendency to be overaggressive.

Jacaranda: To see this tree growing in your dream is a sign of growing contentment.

Jack: To see or use an automobile jack predicts a sudden relief from a heavy burden, or a favorable change of conditions in your life.

Jackal: To see this dog in your dream is telling you that you need to protect yourself from friends who are overambitious with their plans.

Jackpot: If you won it yourself it predicts a period of hard work with small rewards. If you saw someone else win you can expect to gain something you want with very little effort.

Jade: A dream of jade predicts prosperity and protection against adverse influences.

Jail: Your difficulties will be short lived if you escaped or were released, otherwise expect a lng tough struggle. If others were in jail it signifies freedom from worry.

Janitor: Being or seeing a janitor portends additional responsibilities which will prove beneficial.

Jars: Jars seen in a dream predicts pleasant social affairs looming in your future.

Jasmine: This flower is an omen of success in both your romantic and personal affairs.

Jaywalk: If you were aware of jaywalking, you can expect some difficulty of a legal nature.

Jealousy: If you were jealous, this is a warning that there will be serious problems in your romantic affairs. If the jealousy was directed at you, it signifies that some hostility you are now suffering will eventually turn out to your advantage.

Jeers: If you were the subject of the jeers you will triumph over those who are pulling against you. If you were the one who did the jeering, it is a warning to be less controversial, as this could result in serious quarrels.

Jellyfish: To see jellyfishes in a dream is a sign of problems arising from false pretenses.

Jerusalem: To dream of the Holy City suggest loneliness.

Jesus: If you spoke or prayed with him, or you touched him, or he touched you, you will know true peace of mind and contentment.

Jewelry: Real jewelry in your dream is a fortunate augury for your current interests. Costume jewelry is a warning that you are in danger of being led astray through your own foolishness. A dream of stealing jewelry is a signal that extra caution is needed in regard to business affairs. To lose jewelry brings obstacles in your way unless you recovered it. Buying or selling jewelry is a fortunate omen for both love and domestic affairs.

Jews Harp: It signifies foreign travel if you played the instrument; however, if you only saw or heard it, it predicts good business news, or a good change of circumstances.

Jig: To dream of dancing a jig predicts that you will soon have cause to feel lighthearted. To see others dancing the jig, indicates that you are too free and easy in regards to money matters.

Jilted: Success in your love affairs, or constancy in your marriage.

Jingle: To recite or hear a jingle signifies the enjoyment of a harmless flirtation. The jingle of small bells forecast gay social times; if however, you hear the jingle of money it predicts a financial loss.

Job: If you were seeking a job, or lost one, you can expect a promotion. If you dreamed of being offered a job, it is a warning to pay closer attention to your responsibilities.

Journey: Changes are predicted in a dream of a journey. If the journey was pleasant it indicates favorable changes. A disagreeable journey indicates unfavorable changes.

Joy: A dream of joy is a promise of domestic happiness.

Judas: A warning to be cautious in accepting new friends.

Judge: Trials, troubles and thankless tasks are forecasted in a dream which featured a judge. Being a judge, or being judged is a sign that your troubles will soon end.

Jug: Jugs which are full indicate good friends. To drink from a jug predicts happiness. A broken jug signifies an influential new friend, or a new romance.

Juice: To dream of drinking juice of any kind signifies that financial help will be forthcoming when and if you need it. To dream of serving juice indicates that you will have a request of a loan.

Jumping: A dream of jumping signifies you will overcome your problems through patience and perseverance.

Jungle: To dream of being in a jungle signifies a foolish romantic entanglement which will become a serious problem.

Juniper: To dream of a juniper is a warning of treachery. If you cut it down, or it was in poor condition, it is an omen of good luck. Eating the berries from a juniper is a warning to be watchful of undersirable companions who will cause you serious concern.

Junk: A dream of anything you consider junk, whether in a shop or elsewhere, predicts that you will be faced with a difficult choice.

Jury: To dream of seeing a jury, signifies recognition and prestige among those whose opinion you value. A dream of serving on a jury, is telling you to rely more on your own intuition and less on the opinion of others, when making important decisions.