

Amy had just started to regain her health. She had been recuperating from a heart transplant for the last four months. She had always been very sick as a young child. It was when she was a pre-teen that it was discovered she needed a new heart. It had been almost four years before a heart became available. The family was all excited when the big day came. They knew the heart had come from a young man who had long been cheating death with his reckless use of his motorcycle. They also knew the heart came from the son of the hospital's head nurse.

Shawn's Mom and Dad agonized over the decision of donating his organs. They knew he didn't carry a donor card. They also knew the reason. He had the fear that if you donated one organ, they would take advantage and take ALL of them.

He didn't really care about most of his organs, but he was dead set against losing his heart. He believed the soul was housed in the center of the heart, and he never wanted to lose his soul.

Shawn had just a few months ago cheated death by outrunning the local coal train. He just managed to get through before the gates closed down on the on-coming traffic.

It was just a matter of time, before he lost his race with death. This time the train was just a bit to fast for him to beat. He was only recognized by his clothes and drivers license. His heart was the only organ that was salvageable.

Amy was begining to feel like a new person. She had started to take long walks. "Walking is good for you," she was told by all the doctors. She began walking the path that ran along the miles of railroad tracks just a few blocks from her house. She layed in bed at night listening to the long lonesome sounding blast of its horn in the wee hours of the morning. Strange how she never noticed the sound before. She never noticed the clickity clack sound as it traveled over all the connecting tracks. Now the sound mesmerized her. She was captivated by both the sound and sight of the speeding train.

She began to dream of her walks along the railroad tracks. In her dreams she always saw a young man on the opposite side of the tracks beckening to her. She would just wave and continues on her way. She usually woke up a bit un-nerved after this dream. She knew her new heart once belonged to a young man. She also knew how he died.

Amy decided that the next time she had the dream she would cross over the tracks and confront the beckening young man. She read how if you concentrated real hard before falling asleep you could control your dreams. She hoped that night she would be lucky enough to give it a try. She would think about nothing except the young man who was motioning her to cross over to where he stood.

Amy got her chance a few nights later. There he was calling to her with the motion of his hand. He smiled as he motioned her over. She heard not a sound as she started over the tracks, keeping her eyes on the smiling young man. Just as she reached the middle of the tracks, a train, seemingly out of no where barreled down on her. She was so sure she was still dreaming, but, "SHE WASN'T."

An old couple who were walking their dog along the same path, said they saw a young man smiling as he ran from the tracks into the night. A Safety Riding Helmet was found among the remains.

Background by: Nancy

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