

Cuddle up my little ones. Granny's going to tell you a story my granny told me when I was just a youngster. Is every one nice and snug? Well here goes. If you get too scared just tap my arm and granny will stop.

Every neighborhood has its own mean witch. Now I don't mean the kind that puts curses and spells on people. I mean someone who is just plain mean clear down to the bone. Well that was just the way old Mrs Koontz was. They all called her Katkil Koontz. Her real name was Kathy, but they named her Katkil because the whole town knew that Mrs Koontz hated animals of any and every kind. If you had a pet you were fond of you had best keep it housebound. Never take the chance that it might wander into old Katkil's yard, cause everbody knew that you would never see that pet again. If by chance you did it was because it wanted to die on familiar ground.

CATS were especially prone to Katkil's mean hateful ways. She would entice the poor helpless creatures into the yard, then serve them up a nice big helping of kitty treats spiked with a heaping helping of rat poison.

One family always seemed to have an over abundance of cats. All kinds and all colors. They must have been pets that had been abandoned cause there were just two darn many of them. Well I can tell you, they kept old Koontz busy. As the story goes, she liked to keep records of the color of the cats. This was her way of watching how long it took her to rid the neighbors of these dreadful pests, least ways that was her kind of thinking. Course she thought no one was wise to her execution methods.

The neighborhood, by summers end was CAT FREE,or so old Katkil thought.

The Lord does work in mysterious ways, make no mistake about that.

Mrs Koontz began to complain to the corner butcher about cats that were hiding in her basement. They kept her awake most of the night with all their crying and scratching. She just couldn't understand where on earth they were coming from. The basement windows were all boarded up, yet they were finding their way in just to torment her. Meowwwwwww....Meowwwwwwww, This went on all night long. "Well damn if I ain't going to put and end to this" she cursed aloud.

True to her word, she mixed up a bowl of her kitty treat. As she was standing at the top of the basement steps calling, "Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty." Meowwwwwww reverberated off all the walls in the big old house.Meowwwwwwwww with each Thumpty, Thump, Thump, as mean old Katkil tumbled down the basement steps. Landing at such an awkward angle, she knew right off her hip was shattered.

It was surmised she laid down there too helpless and broken to drag herself up the steps, until the Electric Company came to turn off the electricity. Her bill had not been paid in over two months.

When they removed the body, her mouth was crusted over with a strange substance. Her stomach was swollen to almost a bursting stage. An empty dish was laying nearby. It had been Licked Clean. The coroner said she had died a terrible death. Her insides exploded from consuming a large amount of cat food laced with an even larger amount of rat poison.

The house was exterminated and fumigated. It was put on the market for back taxes, and was sold for just a pittance. The new occupants were diehard CAT LOVERS.

All night long it's Meowwwwwwwwww. All day long it's "Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty" Meowwwwwwwwwww ECHOES BACK.

Kathy Koontz granite tumbstone seems to have a large flaw in it. There is a large distinct discoloration in the shape of a Cat. A Cat with its back arched. You could almost hear the cat Hisssssssssssssing.

imageSubmitted by: Granny Abrams

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