Some of the Hobbies.
1. Computers & Internet to stay on top of our chaotic lifestyles.
2. Electronics & Robotics to insure survival of information and inderpendant thought.
3. Short Film Making & Script Writing to get the real message into your heads.
4. Playing in our Band, to make a local statement about insane development.
5. Collecting X-Rated Comics & Japanese Hentai Pictures for my personal viewing pleasure.
6. Fishing & Hunting but not for sport!
7. Cooking & Eating but only for survival and is waste recycled.
8. Building RV Home from Hell to escape the holocost of 2K+
9. Surfing! (Water,Waves, Sharks & Shit) for no other reason that pure pleasure.
10. Making things that go BOOM! To reinforce our beliefs.
11. Relief of Tension with use of Herbs, to build a better future.
12. Drawing in Pencil & Pen, for new generations to wonder about us.
13. 3D CG with Studio3dMax, cause its the future. (SeeObjects o' Art)
14. Watching out for Bloodbarth, because he is a legend & we're blood brothers.
And in closing Drew Barrymore I Love U!
Marry me make me the happiest man on the planet! I'll look after U Girl.

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