This is what I believe I am.But my "LOVE",had something called "FEELINGS" for the rest of my "MATES".Some times I feel because I am the last one,I get cheated,but I am probably paranoid.

But,when I feel to down,I can always dance.I really like music,and altho my "LOVE",likes Country Music,I still do my own type of the "BOOT SCOOTING BOOGIE".

Some times I get carried away,and my"LOVE",yells "SKEETER",and I look around to see and I ask her in my best adult voice,"ARE YOU TALKING TO ME"?

Some times,I ask the "CAT",to dance with me.My "LOVE" must think otherwise,but the "CAT",really dont like to dance with me.I wonder why he always looks so tired afterwards?

Its been getting cold lately,and my "LOVE",has been doing some thing she calls "STARTING A FIRE". Now I dont know what that means,but I sure feel better when I lay down in front of it.
Some times my "LOVE",has to make me move,so she can get close to it to. I tell her to lay down with me to,but all she will do is ignore me.
Some times I smell a strange smell,feel a little to warm,and then my"LOVE" says move "SKEETER",your fur is smoldering.Now what does she mean by that?

I really like to look out the window,but it looks different some how,outside.
There is some white stuff all over the ground,and my "LOVE" calls it "SNOW".
There is also so talk about "THANKSGIVEING",and some about "CHRISTMAS". I am not sure what that is,but I sure going to find out.I listen real good,and the other guys on the floor are talking about how great they are.
Lots of "PRESENTS",and good things to eat,and some thing called "PAPER",to play with,and "RIBBONS" to.

Well,I found out about "THANKSGIVING",it means every one has a special "DINNER".Of course the "TWO LEGGED"people always get to choose what they want,I know(per the guys on the floor) there will be lots of "DINNER" left for us.
I cant hardly wait,but I guess it is a few days from now,but my "LOVE" said she was going to buy a "TURKEY" for that "DINNER".I hope its some thing to eat.

My "LOVE",and that "TWO LEG" she calls "JIM",watched while some other "TWO LEG" made what they call a "SNOWMAN",with all that white stuff out side.
To me it looked pretty silly,rolling around in that white stuff.I would rather roll around in the good smelling stuff she puts on the floor be fore she does what she calls "VACUUMING". Thats really great fun.

At last I have found out about "CHRISTMAS".This funny fellow,in a red suit comes,and brings some thing called "PRESENTS",for "TWO LEGGED" little people,called "CHILDREN",and also for us "FOUR LEGGED".
I dont understand "PRESENTS",but I will keep asking questions until I find out.I also listen to what is said around me,so they wont be able to keep any secrets from me.

My "LOVE",just put up this pretty thing.She calls it a "TREE".Now I dont think so,I see tree's out my window,and they dont look like this.
She then put a whole bunch of stuff on it called "DECORATIONS".It looks like something for me to play with,and really chew.
She took a long thing called "LIGHTS",and ran around and around the "TREE",until I got dizzy.And a stupendous thing happened,pretty glowing things all on the "TREE",boy are they pretty.I wonder if they taste good?

Today she announced she was going "CHRISTMAS SHOPPING".Now I am really confused,because I thought "CHRISTMAS" was a fellow in a red suit.I guess she has to go by that guy.
Out this door she went,and left me here.I wonder if this is a good time to check out that "TREE".
Well,I was just told by "DEAR OLD DAD",not to go near it,because if I do,my "LOVE",will really get mad.

Hey Guys!! Did you know there are two of those "CHRISTMAS" people? I just found out that "SANTA",has a love to.A lady"SANTA",that must help him at "CHRISTMAS" time.
Will wonders never cease.As I get older,and older,I find out more,and more.Must know just about every thing now.

Look what my "LOVE" did.She put all of these under that "TREE",and told me "SKEETER" dont you get near any of these.
Who me? Of course I wont,I have all ready been warned.But I hope some of these presents are for me.
I have a big list for me.And the other guys on the floor.The first one is for me:

And of course these for the other guys:

And a few that I dont know what they are from my "LOVE":

I wont tell any one,but these are for my friends in the "GARAGE",who dont get to come in the house.And for that really cute little "DOXIE" of my dreams,"TIKI".

And because I am so lucky to have a good home,I want to give something to this unlucky "CAT",and "DOG".
So I asked them to come for "DINNER",and gave them a "PRESENT" so they would look nice.

Please dont forget any other "FOUR LEGGED FELLOWS",cat or dog,and of course tell your "TWO LEGGED" family not to forget their "TWO LEGGED" that might need.