This where my day starts.My "LOVE",spends a lot of time sitting here,and doing something called"DRINKING COFFEE",and "SMOKEING".
I look all around,and never see any smoke? Finally I realized what she was doing,and believe me even tho I am only on four legs,I know that this is a "NO NO",and I hope none of you do this "SMOKEING" thing.
Any way,I spend a lot of time jumping up and down trying to tell "FOOD","FOOD",and she just tells me,"NOT YET SKEETER".
And since I am so weak from hunger,I can hardly walk,or bark,I roll on my side,and do my "DEAD DOG" act.It don't work.She just gets up,and gets more "COFFEE".

Now she is talking about getting some "TOAST",because she is hungry.She is hungry? What about poor old "SKEETER"?
I will have some "TOAST",please,and some of that "SWEET" stuff called "JELLY".
And what does she say?Hold on "SKEETER",your "DOG FOOD",will be ready in a minute."DOG FOOD",yuck,I am "SKEETER",and I expect "TOAST".
Well,that "DOG FOOD",didnt taste to bad,after all,boy was I hungry.

YIKES When,I was a little "PUPPY",last month,I used to have so much fun,pulling and chewing on them,tore them up into little bitty pieces.
Well,all that got me was a "SMACK",across my bottom,with a thing called a "KILL STICK".It didnt hurt,but boy it made a loud noise.I heard my "LOVE" say it was a rolled up "NEWSPAPER".
I know what "NEWSPAPER" is I used to go "PIDDLE" on it before I knew what "OUTSIDE" was.

I want to play "BALL",so I bring it over,drop it at her feet,and "WAG" my tail,from my head on down.
She tells me go on now "SKEETER",I have "IRONING" to do,and we can play later.

I really dont like this "IRONING" thing,because once when I was playing "BALL",I knocked this "IRON" thing over,and it hit my tail.I cried for over an hour,and my "LOVE" had to hold me.I think I really wasn't that hurt,but I really liked to be held.

This is my favorite thing in this "FOOD ROOM",some of the most delicious smells come from this thing my "LOVE" calls a "STOVE".
And some times,if I am lucky and faster than my "MATES",I can get a bite or two of something she "DROPS",on the floor.
But that isn't to often,as they are older,and bigger,and faster,and bite hard.But I give it the old "SKEETER" try anyway. I bet you think all I do is eat.Well,I do other things to.Like "SLEEP",play,and get my self in "TROUBLE".
At least I must because my "LOVE",always say's "SKEETER",you are in trouble now.

I dont really know why,everything my love makes "SMELL" good,has to come from this thing she calls a "REFRIGERATOR",and then to the "STOVE".
I have tried to figure this out all my life,and I think it is because she can keep all the good things up high,and in the dark,away from all of us on the floor.
I do know some times she drops things I dont like.She calls them"EGGS",and "LETTUCE",and "MILK".Now "MILK",is ok.but I always get my feet wet when I try to "CLEAN" up the "MILK",and its really "COLD".

Now my really best past time is to "BARK".I bark at every thing.When a "FLY" sneezes,or when a "BIG BIRD"flys over the house,or when one of the other "MATES" are called,but what I "BARK" at most,is this noisey thing from next door.
It comes out of "HIDEING" at least once a week in the "SUMMER",and from what I hear on the floor,it comes out a lot more when this "SNOW",is on the ground.
I dont know what it is,but if it comes near me when I am "OUT SIDE",I am going to show it who is "BOSS",here.

What is this? She is telling me I have to go some where in that "THING",to a place called the "VET",to get something called "PUPPY SHOTS"?
I dont know if I want to get in that thing,it makes a lot of noise,and I am a little afraid.But my love seem's to know that,and tells me,its all right "SKEETER",and off we go in a "CAR".
Well it wasn't to bad "RIDEING",in the "CAR",and I think I might want to go again.But not to a "VET",he made me "CRY". And altho my "LOVE" said it was good for me,I am not so sure.

Its getting later now,and my "LOVE" wants to get on what she calls the "WEB",in the bed room.
So I go to,and crawl up on the "SOFA",and watch.I dont know what fun this is for her,but as I watch I begin to "DREAM",and I see a different picture in my head.
I hope this dream never ends as I see:

But since I cant push those keys with my little "PAWS",and not make a bunch of mistakes,My "DREAM",changes so my "LOVE",will stop watching a "WEB",and see instead:

My eyes are getting really heavy,its been a long day,and soon my "LOVE",will want to go to bed,and I will tell you all about that next.