IRC Builder

What you need

  1. A membership at Tripod, Angelfire, GeoCities, or other homepage host.
  2. A working knowledge of cut/copy/paste. For help on c/c/p visit Paul Erickson's page.
  3. Patience!!

Just follow the steps below.

Step 1

  1. Save this page to a function key.
  2. Save your homepage host to another function key.
  3. Create a custom page to copy and paste to.

Step 2

  1. Change TITLE HERE to the title of your IRC
  2. ChangeIRCURL to the address of your blank page.
  3. Change BGCOLOR to the name or number of the color you want as your background color.
  4. Change the 3 TEXTCOLOR's to the name or number of the color you want as your text color.
  5. Copy and paste this to your blank page.

This is the basic frame for your IRC page. The title is what shows up on the status bar (at the bottom of the screen). The body tag tells your webtv the colors to use when it displays your IRC.

Step 3

  1. Change SERVERHERE with the server name of your favorite chat room
  2. Change PORTHERE with the port number of your favorite chat room
  3. Change ROOMNAMEHERE with the name of your favorite chat room
  4. Change the 3 HOMEURL's with the url of your home page.
  5. Copy and paste this to your irc page, in the head, right below the base href tag.

This is the Javascript that makes the connection to the chat server and room. It uses a prompt to ask what server, port and room you want to go to then writes the document to take you there. When somebody clicks on cancel or back at a prompt they will go to the url you inserted.

Step 4

  1. Copy and paste this into the head of your page, under the last thing you pasted.

This is the Javascript that sends what you type in the main line to the chat room. It is also the script that runs the whisper box.

Step 5

  1. Change the BGCOLOR to the background color you used above.
  2. Change the 2 TEXTCOLOR's to the text color you used above.
  3. Copy and paste this to the body of your IRC

This is coding that creates the chat box, message input, and whisper button.
Your IRC should be functional now for an example click here

Custom features like /msg and /me boxes, pop-ups, prompt pop-ups, and music comming soon.

Feel free to e-mail me with questions or comments at

people have used Dolfinn's IRC Builder