Virginia's Paradox BBQ
Memorial Day Weekend, 1999

Westminster, Maryland

A wide shot of the Doxers who showed up the first day.
From left: Simba, Mousie, Robbie, Le, Shane, Rob, Shannon, Wes, Les, and Amy. Look, its Tony in the foreground!
(You will see no pictures of Virginia from this BBQ, because I value my life)

Doxers stuffing their mouths! With food no less!
Sati, Jason (I-Can't-Believe-It's-Not-Legal), and a person who asked to be cropped out :)

The Boobs of Babes in Black (rrrowrrrrrr)...
Sati and Stephanie

Rob, some guy, and Stonewall. (get the t-shirt?)

"Silly fag, don't you know whats up there?"
Azagthoth holds while Rob looks.

Rob gives Stonewall a ride...

Now Stonewall gives Robyn a ride!

Spirits? Or just smoke from a cozy campfire?

One of my roomates Christy (r) and a friend of ours, Krissy.

Various attmpts at the traditional Diva Totem. From the top, we have Shannon, Shane, Le, Rob and Robbie. The little munchkin on the left is our diva-in-training, Wendy.

Azagthoth and Cassiopeia having fun. Honest.

The official mascot of the BBQ, it's Boscoe! (With his pet stick)

From left: Stonewall, Robbie, Le, Shane, Rob, Shannon, Wes, and Les. Le isn't really Jesus, he just likes wearing the t-shirt.

Same people, differnt poses. See if you can spot who is missing...