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Last Updated:1/11/00
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Me and Blaze

Hello, and welcome to my Boxer page. I want you to meet my Boxer Baby, Jassy's Miss Blaze vonMarsch...we call her Blaze. She is now 9 months old. We just recently got her a playmate, a 2 year old male flashy fawn Boxer. His name is Bruno and he came to us from a net friend of mine up in Michigan. Thanks Chelly!!

As you can probably tell I love Boxers. My purpose for doing this page is to share my love of the breed with others having the same interest. I also want to provide helpful links to those who are in search of an answer, a pet, or just some plain old entertainment. Whatever you decide to do while you are here, please take the time to sign my guest-book. Thank you so much for dropping by.


I just found a great site that links a bunch of boxer stories together, lots of pictures included. Click here to check 'em out. If you love Boxers as much as I do, you'll love this site!

If you are interested in finding a different, high quality, affordable dog food, here is the website for the food that I use. It's called Kasco.

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Special thanks go out to John "Jack" Sanzalone, without whose help and encouragement I would have failed miserably.(:o})