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Link to us:
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Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman: A New Beginning</a>
Links to other DQ sites:
Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman Fan
believe her's was the first big time fanfic site go visit it it's
the best *S*
Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman
Timeline and Nitpick Site:What the title says I great place to review
the timeline and to voice you opinion on things that just bugged
you during it's run (Please be positive)
The Sights and Sounds of Joe
Lando - Home:Full
of video and sound clips of most of Joe's work
Jane Seymour: An unofficial site about Jane, lot's of
photo's and info on her
The Official Dr. Quinn Medicine
Woman Web Site:
The official site
The Official Jane Seymour
official site
Links to our other sites:
Mag's World of DQ: Mags site devoted to DQ, pix,
and other useful info
A Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman
Roleplaying Game:A roleplaying game created by Mag's soon after
she heard about the cancellation, the first of it's kind.
Disclaimer: This site is in NO way related to any of the actors, producers, or production staff of Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman. Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman is owned by Beth Sullivan and CBS, all characters excpet where noted our theres and have been borrowed to create the stories on this page. The idea for this page came from "Road to Avonlea:The Lost Season" created by Shelly and Kristen, they were to first people that I know of to come up with idea.
All images are copyrighted by Beth Sullivan and CBS except where noted. If you see something that is yours and don't wish it to be used on this site please e-mail us and we will gladly take it down, please don't sue us we are poor and you wouldn't get much anyways. We have not tried to infringe on anyones rights.
This page is for fan enjoyment only and IS NOT ENDORSED BY Beth Sullivan or CBS
The Dr. Quinn Web Ring is owned by Becky
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