Hi all. I will be your stewardess while you are here. I will show you what to do, what you need and how to join Chris' Anime Ring.

Two new image things have been added!! YAY!! now there are 4 to choose from.

Ok. First you have to go Here and submit your site to my ring.

Next you have to go Here and choose what image you want to use on your page.

Ya did all that already?? Well now you just have to wait till you get added to the ring. Oh yeah. You have to put the html fragment on your page.

Please go here and fill out this form. (it is not for the ring it is just so I can know what kind of people come to my page).

Please note that no part of this page may be duplicated with out concent from the owner of this page. Nor can any image be taken. You may eMail the owner of this page at chrislong@hotmail.com.