Pagan Activism

The Whispering Stones Pagan Activism Pages
These Pages will contain the advent of many Activities and Pagan freedom weavers,that are fighting for our rights to live and be free,to Worship and Congregate,and to be a Flaming Torch of Light and Strength that Illuminates the Paths upon which we walk.
And there will be several links to other Pagan and Wiccan Organizations who fight for the ONE VOICE,and our Constitutional Rights upon this our wonderful Country.
One of the strongest and most organized freedom weaver factions are homebased,but not limited to,Southern Nevada.The Las Vegas area region.
The Southern Nevada Area Council of Pagans,Witches,and Druids.
Are a linked freedom fighter organization that promotes Festivals,Events,and Educational workshops for the betterment of our beliefs and Old Religion.
The Lady Starfire,Whom also owns the Batsnbellfrie zine,is the contact point for this organization.
The DragonWeavers,Circles,Solitaries,and Groves.
An organization that gathers for education and ritual,celebration of the seasons,and moon magicks.
To contact Lady Starfire at (702)458-3352 Between the hours of...9:00am to 5:00 pm Monday thrugh Friday..PST.Or E mail...
Lady Starfire Web Web1 Web2
Circle of Wisdom
This organization of freedom fighters and Pagans Proud went online April 1998,and we are proud to say we are With these Pagans and Wiccans,They are fighting for Unity and to Abolish the Fear and Discrimination against us all.The Whispering Stones recommends joining with the Circle of Wisdom and its founder Lord Nowan Mandrake to stand together in ONE VOICE...
Nowan Mandrake
Circle of Wisdom
The Whispering Stones salutes you!!!and thanks you for fighting for us all!!!Blessed Be!
This is an organization of Pagans and Wiccans who are making the Web "on FIRE!"They are fighting for our rights to live and be free,to worship and congregate in peace.They are the Truth and Fire behind us and the motivating force that we must and need stand with in the ONE VOICE!!!
Danica Fire
Michelles Magickal Realm
Most definitely a site to check out,The Information here is ASTOUNDING and compiled with flair and Pagan Spirit.and all who has been to this Freedom Fighters site can not only "see",but can "feel" the message that should reach out to Pagans and Non-Pagans alike.In Truth this Lady and all those who partake of the wonders on Her site,knows that She stands with ONE VOICE in words and deeds.HAIL!
Michelle Furgason Michelles Magickal Realm
The Witches Voice
These are the people who helped to revolutionize the Pagan Web today,One of the strongest and largest(and best crafted )sites on the web itself.This site is a must see for any and all Pagans online anywhere.
and Yes,we heard a rumor that if The Witches Voice is listed by name or URL on any site,that site becomes automatically blocked by CyberSitter.
To Fritz and Wren and all the Pagans and Wiccans at the Witches Voice...
We are PROUD to list you!!!For all of us who stand as ONE VOICE!!!
Cybersitter Take your pick!!!
We together will stand,we together will fight,we together will overcome the ignorance and persecution that decays the fabric of our Religion and paths.
The only way we can survive this,is through vigilance,strength,wisdom,
and only through ONE VOICE!!!