

Get numemon

•Treat it bad and fight it getting over 50% victories out of 12 fights
•He changes when he's 6 and a half.


Get an maramon, tyranomon, or airdramon treat them really well. Fight alot.  Let its poops pile up until it
gets eight.  Then when it gets sick, give him medical attention and flush.  Repeat until you get a


Get an Airdramon,Darkmon or greymon,treat them well and get more than 50% victories out of at least
12 fights against CHAMPIONS.

Take really bad care of either agumon, or Betamon.

Take really good care of your betamon.

Take really good care of your agumon.

Get an agumon, Treat him really well, but leave the lights on at night.


Get an agumon, treat him really good.  Turn the lights off at night.  Leave the lights on the night before
he changes.  A agumon Changes when its three.  If you got an agumon on monday turn the lights off
monday, and tuesday.  Leave the lights on wednesday.


Get a betamon,treat it really well but leave the lights on when it goes to bed.


•Get betamon rookie,keep him on 3 hearts most of the time.If he goes below 3 quickly fill him up.
•When he goes to bed leave the lights on and wake him up twice.In the morning wake him up after
8:00.Do this every day until he is 4.
•When he turns 4 set the time to his bedtime then wake him up.
•Now go back to the time mode and set the time to his bedtime again.Wake him.Do this 5-7 times.