"Chance only favours the prepared mind." - Louis Pasteur ----
Dated 24 February 1999.
After 18 years of military service encompassing all three branches of the Canadian Armed Forces including: command of three Canadian Oberon Class submarines; major project management; and two stints as Officer-in-Charge of the Submarine School; Drew became a civilian and hung out a shingle as a Naval Systems Consultant specializing in Submarine Tactics.
While working as a civilian tactician at the Canadian Forces Maritime Warfare Centre, Drew started training as an actor at the Neptune Theatre School in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Armed with a bag load of improv and advanced acting classes under his belt he started acting in local community theatres and semi-professionally in theatre festivals.
In the Spring of 1995 Drew played the part of Superintendant Bellati in the Theatre Arts Guild critically acclaimed production of Dario Fo's political farce,"Accidental Death of an Anarchist". This successful community theatre production was remounted with the original cast and director Chris Majka as an Empty Mirrors production at the 1995 Halifax Fringe Festival. Staged at the Paramount Theatre, this production, one of 42, ranked third in box office receipts. The cast recently held a reunion at the Economy Shoe Shop on Argyle Street (also known as the shoe box or culture dome) to celebrate Dario Fo's 1997 Nobel Prize for Literature.
Drew also had a bit part in the 1995 Dartmouth Players production of "Black Comedy" playing the role of Bamburger. He used the opportunity to study the art of directing.
Firmly bitten by the theatre bug he was now keen to direct. Drew had the good fortune to team up with Chris Kitowski who was in the process of writing a one man show called "Rounds". "Rounds" opened at the 1996 Atlantic Fringe Festival and received good reviews. When asked by Canadian poet and playwright Donna Evann to direct her first play, "The Passion of Anna Akhmatova", in the 1997 Atlantic Fringe Festival, Drew enthusiastically accepted. By mid-run, the collaborative effort of both novice and professional led to packed houses at the Cafe Mokka.
Drew recently appeared in a Lotto 649 "Big Win" commerical and has also performed on the set of LEXX: The Dark Zone II. In the autumn of 1997 Drew performed 4 times as a background performer (including continuity acting) with CBC's television dramatic series "Black Harbour". More recently he had a bit part opposite Rebecca Jenkins during shooting for the upcoming fall (1998) season.
Drew is currently writing several plays including a re-working of his recent 50 min one man show titled "REMOVE BEFORE FLIGHT" . "REMOVE BEFORE FLIGHT" premiered at the 1998 Atlantic Fringe Theatre Festival (2-7 September). In the previous July he had the opportunity to read and improv some story ideas for "REMOVE BEFORE FLIGHT" at the Economy Shoe Shop as part of the Shoe String Series.
A new work in progress titled "Flight To Victory" is being developed as a screenplay.
In Oct/Nov 1998, Drew acted in two scenes with Nastassja Kinski in "The Magic of Marciano." In this Cape Atlantic Productions film directed by Tony Barbieri, he played Bob the Manager, Nastassja's boss. This debut in motion pictures had the added bonus of working with Robert Forster and the young Cody Morgan.
In eary January 1999 Drew cracked his first acting job of the new year as an Infomercial Audience Member in a sketch comedy piece with Cathy Jones (of "This Hour Has 22 Minutes") in "The Cathy Jones Special" due to be aired by CBC in the autumn of 99.
Also in January of 99, Drew was cast as a Principal Performer in CBC's Radio Drama "Clean Sweep" as Lester Perkins.
Drew joined the Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists - ACTRA - in January of 1999.
He remains keen to work in film, television, radio, and on stage. Drew's casting agent is John Dunsworth at Filmworks Production Services, 1060 Barrington Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada (902) 423-7375.
Also hot from the pen is a One Act Play called "My Brother's Troubles". As well he is exercising his knowledge of cinema language with a film project. This first film effort will be a 10-12 minute visceral drama shot on video.
On the entrepreneurial front, Drew is working hard to launch a high tech company. His key interests include, but are not limited to, the development of an electro-optical device for Search and Rescue and new applications for acoustic devices. Drawing on considerable experience gained during his tenure as a submarine commander, Drew is focusing his technical, scientific, and project management abilities to bring together individuals, public and private sector organizations, and financing for this venture.
Other high tech pursuits include the development of an e-mail specialty service and various collaborative internet initiatives with Nova Scotian information technology experts.
If you wish, check out my resumes - Submarine Commander's and Project Management Resume or Actor's Resume.
HMCS OKANAGAN - My first Command. :-)
Military Systems Project Management, Trials and Acceptance, Tactical and SAR Research and Development.
Assistant to senior executive concerned with defense or marine systems - especially where major program implementation is needed to meet current military contractual requirements.
Multi-level experience in all aspects of surface and submarine warfare from Above Water Weapons of a 280 Tribal Class Destroyer to Command of three Canadian Oberon Class Submarines (72-89). Maritime Command Headquarters (MARCOM HQ) project management experience as a project officer for a 100 million dollar weapons system (MK 48 Heavyweight Torpedo) program (89). Appointed as Officer in Charge of the Submarine Section of the Canadian Forces Fleet School Halifax (CFFS(H)) in both the early and late 1980's. As a civilian, held chair in Submarine Tactics at the Canadian Forces Maritime Warfare Centre (91-94). Currently acting, writing, and directing with credits in theatre, theatre festivals, commercials, television drama, and feature film (95-Present).
At MARCOM HQ, developed and led the first Canadian Naval "Tiger Team" to keep MK 48 weapons project on track. Analyzed project problems, formulated and established MK 48 "Tiger Team". Achieved significant synergy amongst a variety of multi-disciplinary, public and private sector agencies in both Canada and the United States. Sparked in-service and outside agencies to meet critical milestones. Within 5 months, using PERT, CPM techniques, and a measured dose of common sense, brought program (which was about to be pushed right a year) back on track - under budget.
Provided technical and command assistance to defense scientists at the Defense and Civil Institute of Environmental Medicine (DCIEM) in conceptual design of a submarine attack simulator with particular emphasis on Computer Generated Imagery (CGI).
As Officer in Charge of CFFS(H) Submarine School, formally accepted delivery of a Royal Navy Oberon Class Submarine (HMS OLYMPUS) for conversion to a Harbour Training Submarine. Developed and implemented plans in conjunction with National Defense Headquarters to bring Harbour Training Submarine Olympus on line well within the allocated budget.
Maintained momentum for MK 48 project culminating in the training of the first two submarine Command Teams. As a point of record, the Combat Division Commander reported, "Through sheer perseverance, he was able to ensure that the Fleet School portion of the MK 48 Weapons Certification Program was executed in a timely and efficient manner... He has very good command appreciation, set high standards, challenged the boat’s team and introduced several innovative enhancements to the training."
Commanded HMCS OKANAGAN and HMCS OJIBWA through (600,000 man hour) refits and post refit trials. Completed OKANAGAN sea trials as scheduled overcoming numerous obstacles. Applied: refit philosophy to HMCS ONONDAGA; restructured trials programs thus increasing efficiency and economy of time and effort; and, established unit procedures to provide timely updates to CF 1148 documentation. Methods introduced utilized by subsequent Submarine Commanding Officers and adopted fleet wide.
Conducted all phases of submarine warfare and operations from the Caribbean to North Norway. Successfully conducted initial towing trials for Submarine Towed Array Sonar System (SUBTASS) and numerous DREA cruises. Developed and implemented cutting edge acoustic warfare tactics with both fitted and improvised systems.
Achieved considerable notoriety with Canadian surface and Naval air communities for tactical skills. Commended by a British Helicopter Training Squadron Commanding Officer for providing, "...the best evasion I've seen in ten years." Mentioned in signal dispatch by UK Admiral, Flag Officer Submarines, after a major NATO exercise: "Your valiant efforts in Vendetta 87 have been much admired." Maintained high unit morale which resulted in a personnel retention rate which was amongst the best in the fleet.
Completed specialist courses in Destroyer Weapons, Destroyer Navigation, Training Systems and Training Development, Advanced Fire Leader's Training, Weapons Analysis, Advanced Acoustic Analysis, Executive Officer Training (with Royal Australian Navy), Royal Naval Submarine Commanding Officer’s Qualifying Course (Perisher), and Canadian and British Advanced Warfare Courses.
Achieved a measure of favorable publicity through: influencing an editor of a local daily to increase the amount of pro navy coverage; assisting in the production of submarine dramatic sequences (writing, acting, and directing) for the 1986 Litton Industries film "First in the Future"; collaborating in the production of CBC's The Journal's "Silent Service" (1987); providing technical assistance for an article about submarines in the 1988 November issue of Reader's Digest; and, appearing before the 1994 Joint Parliamentary Committee on Defense.
From 1995 to 1999 developed and implemented public relations plans for Fringe Theatre Productions including: press releases; written promotional material; publicity photos; live-to-air interviews; television and print press news conferences; and procurement of financial sponsors to defray cost of public relations.
Past adventure sports have included: flying single engine aircraft (Private Pilot); flying aircraft not fitted with engines (Glider Pilot); rock climbing; skiing; Colorado river rafting; parachuting; and, motorcycling through Britain and Europe.
Played offensive guard and tackle on the 1983 Canadian Flag Football Champion Team defeating the Calgary Police Department (inter city league).
Enjoy: art; reading; films; television; acting class; playing guitar and piano to complete satisfaction; singing in the shower with operatic gusto; and, dazzling friends with close up magic, illusion, and the marvels of science.
Published two short stories in the Canadian Forces Maritime Warfare Bulletin. Wrote and performed a 50 minute one man show in the 1998 Atlantic Fringe Theatre Festival.
Member of ACTRA (the Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists), Associate Member of Officer’s Mess CFB Halifax, Member f the Royal United Services Institute, Trustee of the HMCS Sackville Memorial Trust, Member of the Theatre Arts Guild, The Dartmouth Players, The Dobson Yacht Club (Sydney), and a frequent Student at Neptune Theatre School.
References available on request.
"Chance only favours the prepared mind." - Louis Pasteur
If you wish, check out my resumes - Submarine Commander's and Project Management Resume or Actor's Resume.
HMCS OKANAGAN - My first Command. :-)
Now moved to bizdev (http://chebucto.ns.ca/~aq733/bizdev.html) . Bizdev is a link on my navigation bar at the top and bottom of each page.
PINE - Program for Internet News and Email (www.washington.edu/pine) "... a Program for Internet News & Email - is a tool for reading, sending, and managing electronic messages. Pine was designed by the Office of Computing & Communications at the University of Washington specifically with novice computer users in mind, but it can be tailored to accommodate the needs of "power users" as well. Versions are available for various flavors of Unix as well as for personal computers running a Microsoft operating system." - from www.washington.edu/pine 20 March 1999.
Screenwriting URL's - Another one of Drew's WebPages! :)
The Writer's Guild of America.
Writer's Calendar - "... all sorts of writers conferences, seminars--even photographic classes ( for you writer-directors in the house)." - from this site 20 Feb 98
Writing URL's at pw1.netcom.com/~jgross/online.html are quite impressive.
Grammar - Online English Grammar and English Grammar Clinic are available from this site. -
World of Writing - Web Sites for Writers
Writer's Conference - The Maui Writer's Conference.
Looking for maps? Try mapquest.com.
My Yacht Club - The Dobson Yacht Club. Check out the club history.
execpc.com - HTML Resources.
members.spree.com - Free Business/Personal Web Site. I think this is an MLM site.
EZArt Graphics - (http://www.hitchhikers.net/ezart/freesite.htm) - EZArt Graphics. To use any of their designs for FREE, they ask that you give them a LINK on your page. (http://www.ezart.com)
- "HyperMart.net is the leading provider of free business hosting.
In less than a year, more
than 70,000 businesses have made HyperMart.net their home New URL for
HyperMart." -
National Post . - National Post
The Globe and Mail . - The Globe and Mail
Special TV Resources . (Formerly the Internet TV Resource Guide)
TV Pointers . Excellent Site!
Ultimate TV .Site with good links. Site includes:
TV BIZ and much more.
Broadcast Employment Services .
TV JOBS Broadcast
Employment Services . - "An Internet based employment service
dedicated to helping you find employment in the highly competitive
broadcast marketplace."
Metroshop - Books, Music, Videos - UK Site
Metroshop - Bookpages UK - Bookpages UK
AMAZON - www.amazon.com - Touted as the world's largest Online Book Store.
TerraServer . - World Imagery Database.
DogPile - A multi-engine search tool.
Motley Fool - a community of individual investors.
National Geographic - www.nationalgeographic.com .
Discovery Magazine - The Discovery Channel Online.
Discovery Canada (TV) - "Science Technology Nature Adventure @discovery.ca" - www.exn.ca/ website 4 July 1998.
Popular Science - "From the editors of Popular Science Maazine...THE WHAT'S NEW WEBSITE" - www.popsci.com website 4 July 1998. Links to Popular Science's Top 50 Websites - Sep 98.
Scientific American - www.sciam.com.
Search Engine - Northern Light Technology LLC - http://www.nlsearch.com/.
A variety of useful tools:
Insight IT Solutions For Web related Consultation, Design, and Management check out my friend Marc.
SAG - The Screen Actors Guild .
AFTRA - The American Federation of Television and Radio Artists - AFTRA is a national labor union affiliated with the AFL-CIO.
International Federation of Actors - I haven't found their website yet. :)
ACTRA - Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists .
ACTRA Calgary - Great Links
Drew MacDonald's TheatreLinks Page .
Theatre :
Music .
Classics .
Classics - Internet Resources .
Philosophy - Internet Resources .
Psychology - Internet Resources .
Sociology & Social Anthropology - Internet Resources .
English .
English - Internet Resources .
History .
History - Internet Resources .
Black Canadian Studies - Internet Resources .
Comparative Religion - Internet Resources .
W. K. Kellog Health Sciences Library - Internet Directory .
Social Work - Internet Resources .
The New School - The Actor's Studio
Actor's Studio - Schedule on Bravo
Writer's Guild of America Writer's Guild of America - www.wga.org
Edinburgh Festival Fringe - cited by the Guinness Book of Records as the largest arts festival in the world.
Go Deep for hot links to learn more about the Silent Service.
CGI Scripts in REXX and Perl - Guide to Writing CGI Scripts in REXX and Perl
Drew's DHTML Links Page . - Includes Links to W3C, ECMA, Microsoft, and Netscape Sites.
Yahoo Search: Validation Checkers .
WebLint .
Tcl - Tcl/Tk home page at Sun Microsystems (http://sunscript.sun.com).
Perl - The Perl Language Page (http://language.perl.com).
Python - Python Language Home Page (http://www.python.org).
Perl and Tcl - Eric Foster-Johnson's Web page with Perl and Tcl information (http://www.pconline.com/~erc/).
Lincoln Stein - Lincoln Stein's Web page (http://www.genome.wi.mit.edu/~lstein/).
World Wide Mart - Free Scripts
More on Graphics
3M offers free samples of Software Notes .
Information about Display Page applications is available at www.e-commerce.com.
American Airlines Travelocity WebSite demonstrates Display Page processing.
NCSA Divisions
The Computer Paper - "Canada's largest computer magazine, with over 1,000,000 readers." - from www.tcp.ca website.
"They are able who think they are able." - Virgil
"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." - Chinese (unknown)
Last updated - 5 May 1999.