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Revised Method

(STEP 1.) While reading the post or mail, hit SEND and click on FORWARD.

(STEP 2.) Address the forwarded message to yourself.

(Step 3.) Completely erase the subject line if there is anything in it.

(Step 4.) Move cursor to text area and hit RETURN without entering text. Cursor should be on second line now.

(STEP 5.) Press ALT plus Z keys at the same time to get the special control character §.(Note: any alt character will work here) Don't hit RETURN.

(STEP 6.) Cut and paste the § into the subject box like this ... hit CMD-A, hit CMD-X, move cursor to subject line and hit CMD-V.

(STEP 7.) Click on SEND.

The message will be returned to you with headers and code exposed.

Original discovered by Joe Keith, SuperSaint, and Paul Erickson on 8/16/98 Revised version discoverd by "Unknown"