I created this award because I wanted something
very special to give to the wonderful people who
had helped me with html.
When I first got my webtv, in October of 97, I
had never even heard of html. I didn't have a
clue what is was or what it was used for.
I began my learning of html with the webtv.users
newsgroup. This led me to Paul Erickson, who
then led me to Dr. Draac. After taking hundreds
of pages of notes and studying them over and
over, I was finally able to put html together.
What a joy that was to finally be able to do my
first email sig!!!
The rest as they say is history!!! So, here I
am, able to do homepages and help others.
This is the basis of this award!! I hope that
those that have and see this award will know how
very special you and the people who have gotten
them are!!!
Thank you for helping us with html!!!