A Prayer for You

Heavenly Father, the great I AM from whom all blessings flow, we ask Your blessings on ourselves and upon our loved ones as we go throught the days ahead eagerly watching and waiting for Your return in power and glory.
Abba, Father, protect us as we fight the good fight against the evil one and his forces. Give us the strength, through the power of Your Holy Spirit, to stand firm in the face of the attacks and deceptions of the father of lies.
As we interact with those around us who may not know You, keep us ever mindful that our every word is a testimony either for You or against You; our every action is a witness of our faith in You, and help us to always show others the love that You have shown us.
Let us be a light in the darkness of this world. Let our light be a reflection of Your heavenly light to illuminate the minds and souls of those who come to us searching for You, even though they may not even know that You are the One they are seeking.
Give us boldness to declare Your word, courage to stand in the face of immorality and name it for what it is, though we are mocked on all sides, and compassion for those we meet who may be ensnared by the wiles of the devil, knowing that Your perfect sacrifice was for them just as much as it was for us.
Give us eyes that see Your handiwork in the world around us, eyes that can see Your hand moving the players into position for the final battle.
Give us ears that will clearly hear Your still, small voice through the commotion and clamor of a world seemingly gone mad.
Give us a heart that longs for You, that yearns to do Your will above our own. In all things, may Your will be done in our lives.
Father, if there is anything in our lives that is hindering us from hearing Your voice, or from joyfully doing Your will, we ask that You reveal it to us. Convict us of anything at all that we may do or think that places any obstructions between us and Your perfect love.
We ask that Your Holy Spirit fill each and every one of us today and in the days ahead. Give us an unmistakable sense of Your presence and Your love.
Abba, I lift up my brothers and sisters to you. Though we may have different opinions, we are all united in our love for You. We all acknowledge You as our only hope of salvation, for Your name is the Name above all names. I ask Your blessings upon each one of them, and upon their loved ones.
Father, I also ask that if any of these, your sheep, have relatives or friends that do not know You, that You would move upon them by Your Holy Spirit, and open their hearts to Your gentle wooing. Lord, I ask that You give these, my brothers and sisters, the words that will reveal the truth of Your love and sacrifice to their unsaved friends and family members.
Father, we long for the day when we will stand in Your awesome presence, praising and glorifying You. We long for the day when we will kneel before Your feet, to look up and see Your beautiful face smiling down upon us. May we all live our lives in service to You, so that we may hear You say to us, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant." Nothing could be sweeter in our ears, Lord, and we long for Your soon return.
In the name of Jesus Christ, Yeshua haMashiach, King of kings and Lord of lords, we give our praise, our thanks, and our lives to You. Amen.

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