
Two updates in a row? Call the rescue squad!

So much online drama right now...between Melissa and Ruby. I don't feel like explaining it, but if you read their sites (that's S-I-T-E-S), you will be able to piece together the general gist of the drama, and just know that I am somehow, although quite indirectly, involved. I guess you could say I involved myself, but I prefer to blame it on something else. It doesn't matter what. My furby did it! See, that sounds ridiculous, but it's something to blame it on so there you go.

I read Ruby's version of last week (3 point of views are up, now if only Joci would write one), and I realized that he only mentioned me when he had to and that's pretty much what I did. I think I did it consciously because I know he is unhappy with me right now. So I did my best just to make him an entity and nothing more. The truth is that I really did enjoy his company last week. The 4 of us had a lot of fun together, whether it was waiting for a table in a crowded restaurant or smoking cloves, drunk off our asses at Rebekah's house. I think the four of us (Manhattan, Long Island, Canada and Ohio) really connected together. It was weird to think that we all met online. Melissa and Rubenfeld met online and I met Joci online. I had met Melissa and Rubenfeld both, but we really didn't talk all that much online. And Rubenfeld and Melissa met Joci through me. And we all came from very different backgrounds, but we had enough in common to have a really great time together. I can't wait til next Friday to see Melissa again--and Joci, of course. :-) But that comes Thursday. 6:48pm on 1/14 my plane will be pulling into the Hartford airport and I will be reunited with the love of my life 12 days after we were last separated, and we were only separated 2 days before that. So really, I've been spoiled being able to see her as much as I have and I don't know how well I'll deal after I have to leave. But I don't especially want to think about that right now.

Back to school...all new classes. This quarter I have:

The Study of Language: "This class will change your life." That's what my professor told me the first day. My professor. Dan Moonhawk Alford. That's right, Moonhawk. This guy is a certified lunatic. He's about 60 years old with pure grey hair in a loooong messy ponytail. He wears giant dream catchers around his neck, and jesus sandals with socks that don't match his outfit. I spent the better part of the first day of class trying not to crack up out loud. Then there are the other students in the class--I am ashamed to call them my peers. They make the dumbest comments in class. Well, not all of them, just a specific 3 or 4. I would give a few examples of the dumbass comments, but they just won't be as stupid without the context of the professors comments and I really don't pay that much attention in class. Let me put it this way--the parts of class I didn't spend stifling giggles, I spent rolling my eyes. Despite all of this though, I think it will be a really good class. We've been talking about different dialects and different forms of language such as song and sign language. Well, we've only had 2 classes so perhaps I can tell you more once I've been in class a little longer.

The Law of Mass Communication: Blaaaaaah. This class has such potential to be interesting, but my teacher is so very boring. He's this old man with no sense of fashion and a huge receding hairline with a little tuft of hair in the very front of his forehead. Think of a little island of hair in a sea of baldness. It's quite unlike anything I've ever seen before and it amuses me a lot more than anything else we talk about.

Beginning Workshop, Fiction: This is my favorite class so far. My teacher is cool, the writing assignments seem challenging enough, and no final! What's not to like? Not much to say about this class though yet, there has only been one class so far.

Advanced Expository Writing: This will definitely be my hardest class. I missed the first day because of the snow and I felt so far behind everyone else. Everything they were talking about was way over my head. The syllabus is like a novel and my smallest paper in that class is 4-5 pages minimum. So I'm a little nervous, but I've always said that writing is what I do, so I guess I'll find out.

So those are my classes this quarter. Hella more interesting than Biology, Psychology, MATH, or any of those other dumb sections that God didn't give me the part of the brain you need to comprehend. I'm back in California, I have to say hella now. :-)

Sometimes my readers write me and ask me how Joci is. Well, she's fine. We have so much fun together--and the bulk of it is just us being total dorks about everything. We've been together 8 months as of 12.26.98 and I've never been happier in my life. Any of you out there who are still looking for the perfect woman--you're going to have to settle for second best, because I have the perfect woman. So nyah!

I was looking through my archives today and I was reading the subjects and I got really pissed because I couldn't tell what each entry was about because I had made the subject whatever song was running through my head at the time I updated. I'm going to go back to making actual subjects that correspond with the entry so when I'm looking for something, I can find it without looking through the entire month. Just an FYI for you.

Oh, one other thing I meant to tell earlier. On the plane from Chicago to Dallas, I wrote more of my story. You want to read? Great! Go here.

That's about it for now...have a good weekend, whatever's left of it.

East siders: Phat farm

(No, I don't know what that means either)
