Nearing end of the road

MY Vacation in the HIGH COUNTRY

I thought my traveling days were over but here I am up in the high country of Colorado fishing with my son & his wife She is taking the pictures.

I was feeling a little blue when my son called & asked me to fly to Colorado at first I didn`t think I should make the trip & said I`d think about it after all I`m 80 yrs old & at that age one just doesn`t do something like that but the more I thought about it the more I wanted to go.

So I called my other son that lives near by & asked him if he`d think I was crazy to fly to Colorado.He said no it would do me good to get away & to go for it. I still wasn`t sure so I called my daughter to see what she`d say.She also said to go for it.

I called a travel agent to make arragements to fly from Daytona Beach to Colorado Springs.I was to leave on the 19th of July at 5:30pm but had to change planes in Atlanta & my flight would leave there at 8:10pm & would arrive in Colorado Springs at 9:15 pm.

My daughter inlaw drove me to the airport.I had made arragements that I`d have the use of a wheelchair in Atlanta because I can`t walk too far.We got to the airport at 4:30 in plenty of time.We`re there watching out the window to see my plane when it would come in.5:00 came & no Plane arrived

We were told our plane was held up but would be here in plenty of time to make our connection in Atlanta the plane finally arrived & we got loaded We got to Atlanta in time to see our plane taking off as we were landing.

Most of the passergers made later connection but for me & another girl there were no later flights until the next day.She was on crutches going to upper NY.They told us not to worry we would be put up in a hotel & given vouchers for our meals.

We had to wait in the plane until a girl came with a van & would take us to another part of the airport to have all the arragement made.Talk about a race car driver the way she drove thru that tarmack planes landing baggage carts everywhere I was beginning to wish I had stayed at home.But she got us thru.

We got our vouchers & tickets for our flight the next day & were taken to a shuttle that took us to a Red Roof hotel but there was no restaurant at the hotel.There was a Waffle house & McDonnels across a four lane highway from the hotel I knew I couldn`t walk that far & it was after 9 oclock at night & in a strange city the hotel clerk was no help.

They had free coffee & small doughnut in a vending machine.That`s what I had & went to my room.I also was giving a voucher for a telephone call so I called my son in Florida & said I bet you don`t know where I`m at he asked where I told him In Atlanta then I told him what happened & told him in case my other son called him to let him know where I was at.

I couldn`t call him because he would be either on his way to or at the airport.Atlanta was supposed to let Colorado Springs know that I would be on the first flight in the morning.Anyone thats ever been at a airport knows what it`s like to understand anything said over a loud speaker.

So my son waited for the last passenger off the plane he knew I`d be useing a wheel chair so he couldn`t of missed me.He said to his wife I hope Mom didn`t chicken out about coming out.He checked at the desk to see what happened & was told I`d be on the first flight out in the morning but they didn`t know why I didn`t make the flight I was supposed to be on.

He lives about 60 miles from airport & he didn`t want to drive home & then have to start right back so they thought they would get a motel but it`s the height of the tourist season in Colorado Springs & there were no room to be had so they went back to the airport to wait.

I did get a good nights sleep & in the morning the hotel did have fresh doughtnut & coffee.The shuttle picked me up at the hotel & dropped me off at the airport.I hadn`t the faintest where I was supposed to go & I guess I looked a little bewilded a man came up to me & said he worked for the airport & asked if he could help.

He got me a red cap & told him where to take me he gets me a wheelchair & we go flying thru the airport first down a elevater then in a shuttle he sure knew how to push his way thru a crowd then down a long corridor to where he said I would board the plane.

It was about a hour before there was anyone at the desk & as soon as there was I check to see if I was in the right place.She told me I was in the wrong section I was supposed to be A section & I was in B section.she got me another redcap & we did the same thing over.

I finally got checked in. I still had my meal voucher & I ask if I could changed it for a meal in the airport & I didn`t want any pastry or doughtnuts He had to check with someone else he got me a new voucher & said I could have anything on the menu I had a good Pasta meal.

I had a great flight out but for awhile I was wishing I hadn`t decided to make the trip.Read my other homepages & you`ll see I didn`t live a dull life.


This is what I call taking it easy,fish that don`t want to bite

Beautiful scenery all around, a quiet lake with only a few people who could ask for anything more.

This is the road that took us up to the high country.

The Turquoir lake where we stopped for a break.

Cottonwood Lake

Here I am at Cottonwood Pass at
the Continental Divide,12,126ft high.

This a view from San Isabel Forrest

My Son And Me

This is my tour guide my son with me he sure knows the right places to take me. He has a Sports Utility Van & he takes you to places like you see in the tv commericals.

We left Salida & headed up rt 285 to Buena Vista to Leadville then to cottonwood pass to Tin cup to Pitkin over Cumberland Pass You have to be from Colorado to know some of these places.

Other places we seen over a 3 week period were Hotsprings reservoir Poncho Pass, Blue Mesa Resouvoir, Powder Horn,Sargent, Monach Pass, Ghost Town of Vichsburg, Tennessee Pass, 10th Inf div.Memorial, Saguache, Wagonwheel Gap, Lake City, Gunnison, Mushroom Gulch, Badger Creek Park.

We were on roads that were on open range & we`d have to inch our way passed the cattle. I thank my lucky stars we didn`t run across any bear,we did see a lot of deer, wild turkey & chipmonk.

The scenery is somthing I won`t forget. It was a great vacation & the trip home was unadventful.Until we got to Atlanta and had to fly to Daytona Beach The worse service in the country.

My Grandson with The Fish He caught

My SON & His wife



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