Welcome all lovers

I thought maybe I should work up a page that tells you a little bit about myself since I've gotten a lot of mail asking me why I don't have more information about myself on my pages.
Well, here it is.
This is me.

Belinda :-)

Okay...happy now??? :-)
My name is Belinda and my life has changed pretty drastically since May of 2001.

First of all, I'm no longer married!!! :-)

I found out that I was adopted at birth(never had a clue).

I found my two sisters :-)

I found my father with whom I am now living!

My oldest son (estranged for 12 years) and I have been reunited!!!

I have a new job working in a Police Station on computers with internet access. (YEAH!!!! YIPPIE!!!!) So, I am extremely happy right now.

I also have three wonderful, fantastic, grown sons that are 29, 27 & 24.
My middle son was married in February of l999 and besides giving me a fantastic daughter in law, they made me a grandmother on November 22, 1999 and on April 28, 2002.

Their names are "Christopher Adam", he was 7lbs. 13 oz. and 20 inches long and "Michael Abram" who weighed 9lbs. 10 oz. and was 21 inches long.
And, of course, I can't resist showing pictures...
here's Christopher's picture:-)

Me and Christopher

This is Christopher with his Grandma:-)

And here is a family portrait and Christopher is just a few weeks old.

A family portrait

Now....I also have two adorable puppies, miniature dachshunds, that are black with tan markings...they are my babies and spoiled rotten :-)

I love to do all kinds of crafts, especially beadwork.

I really love my computer and making web pages as well as talking to all of my friends, which I haven't been able to do lately:-(


Thanks again for visiting and enjoy my Romance pages and , please, sign my Guest book and/or send me an E-mail, okay?

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Belinda's Page Of Poems

Belinda's Love Page 2

Please visit my store and shop to your hearts content! :-)

And here is a wonderful site with lots of beautiful poetry

Braided Emotions

This is my award I received for these pages:-)
Thank you Little Missy!!

Belindas Romance Award :-)