A Little HTML Help

Two Sounds
In E-Mail Sig

& Two Sounds & Scrolling Status Bar Message on Home Page

This page may be under constant construction as my knowledge grows. So keep checking back to see what I've learned. ........thanks......


You can copy the code from below. (Use CC&P if you've received the summer upgrade)

Pay attention to where there are quote marks and where there are not....this is important. Also, if a line is longer than the width of your screen, do not hit return/enter key when it gets to the edge. Let the text editor break the line for you. Generally, the rule of thumb is to only hit return/enter key after a > sign if you need to.

I. Place the code for the scrolling text &/or the two-sounds (located at the bottom of this page) in a homepage file. You can embellish upon it with any background tags, other HTML that you know, etc. if you wish. Call it, for example, twosound.html [you can obviously choose your own name].

II. Then, in your sig box, add this code:

<bgsound src="http://URL of your twosound.html file">

Put in the correct URL of where you stored your "twosound.html" file. Make sure you also have the opening <html> and the closing </html> tags in your sig box. Remember, nothing can come before the opening <html> tag, not even a space, in your sig box, or e-mail body if you use it there.

And VOILA!!! You should have both two sounds in your sig plus a scrolling status bar if you wish....tadaaa!

NOTE: You should be aware that although you will see the scrolling text in your status bar when you are writing your email, it will not be visible to the receiver, so I've been told. This will be viewable to some extent on your homepage however. I'm sure there is a way around this and will include it here when I learn of it.


<!---Scrolling Status Bar Code--->

<script language="javascript">
var i=0;
var msg="";
var m1="..Text string";
var m2="..Text string";
var m3="..Text string";
var m4="..Text string";
var m5="..Text string";

<!---Two Sounds Code--->

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content=#;url="http://URL of second sound" loop="infinite">

<bgsound src=http://URL of first sound>



I. Place the code for the scrolling text &/or the two-sounds in a homepage file. Call it, for example, twosound.html [you can obviously choose your own name].

II. Then, in your sig box, add this code:

<bgsound src="http://URL of your twosound.html file">

III. Put in the correct URL of where you stored your "twosound.html" file.

Before you use your two-sounds code, make sure you time the length of the first song/sound to the second. Two minutes equal 120 seconds, etc. You might want to add a few seconds to ensure the first song doesn't "knock the second one outta the box". Replace the # sign in content=#; to the length of the first song/sound (the number of seconds). It will be how many seconds you want the second song/sound to wait before beginning. I don't know how to or even if it is possible to have all of this loop/repeat. The "loop="infinite"" doens't do the job. I've left it in to show where it would go in other circumstances, etc. You can seek more experienced help on that aspect.....happy webbing!!!

Below is a copy of my file yoda.html When I do not want two sounds in my sig, I "turn yoda.hml off" by just changing "yoda.html" to "yodax.html" There is no "yodax.html" file so nothing plays.

This is how the HTML line would look in my sig:

<bgsound src="http://members.tripod.com/~ebrian/html/yodax.html file">

This is the yoda.html HTML:

<html> <head><title></title> <font color=plum> <script language="javascript"> var i=0; var msg=""; var m1="...."; var m2="..HI!.."; var m3="..You should be hearing"; var m4="..theme from 'Ghost'"; var m5="...........Sit back, relax, and enjoy!"; var m6="............................."; var m7=".....Peace Out................"; var m8="............................."; var m9="............................."; function playtext() { setTimeout("playtext()",250); window.status=msg.substring(i,msg.length)+msg.substring( 0, i) if(i++==msg.length)i=0; } msg=m1+m2+m3+m4+m5+m6+m7+m8+m9; playtext(); // </script> </font> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content=4;url="https://members.tripod.com/ebrian/midis/ghosttheme.mid" loop="infinite"> </head> <bgsound src=https://www.angelfire.com/ca2/ebrian/images/obiwan.wav> <body transition="slidedown"> </body> </html> </plaintext> <p><br> <!---Begin Homepage TwoSounds Code---> <font size=5><u><emp>NOTE</emp></u>:</font>To place two sounds on your homepage, it is not necessary to place the following code in the head section. It can be placed just about anywhere in your code (although placing it in the head section will avoid any error messages upon validation). This is a bit different than the sig two-sounds code rule. <p><font color=white> <plaintext> <embed src="https://www.angelfire.com/ca2/ebrian/images/obiwan.wav" autostart=true> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="4; URL=https://members.tripod.com/ebrian/midis/ghosttheme.mid"> <link href="https://members.tripod.com/ebrian/midis/ghosttheme.mid" rel=next> </plaintext> <p></font color> <p><p><center><font color=red>Coming Soon: how to put <a href="https://members.tripod.com/~ebrian/workingon.html"> Multiple Sounds </a> in sigs(?) & homepages.</font><br><p><img src="https://www.angelfire.com/images/lines/bluem3d2.gif" height=7 width=595> <center> <!---begin Netscape navigator1---> <hr><p> <table bgcolor="darkblue" border="5" cellpadding="3" width="597" invborder> <th background="https://members.tripod.com/~ebrian/images/spac3.jpg" align="center" colspan=4 width=587> <font size="4"><font color="white"> <blackface> <img transparency=10 src="https://members.tripod.com/~ebrian/images/nsnow.gif" height=23 width=50 border="0" hspace=25 align=left alt="Netscape Now gif"><i>Site Map / Navigation Menu</i><img transparency=10 src="https://members.tripod.com/~ebrian/images/explore.gif" height="23" width="50" border="0" hspace=25 align=right alt="Explore gif"> </blackface> </font></th> <font size=2><tr> <td bgcolor="black" align="left" colspan="1" width="140"> <form action="https://members.tripod.com/~ebrian/highlander/watcher.html"> <input onFocus="window.status='Website Homepage'; 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return true" onBlur="window.status=''; return true" type=submit value=" 4" text="cyan" width="38%" borderimage="file://rom/borders/buttonborder2.bif"> Tributes</form></td></tr> <tr><td bgcolor="black" align="left" colspan="1" width="140"> <form action="https://members.tripod.com/~ebrian/highlander/eric.html"> <input onFocus="window.status='My bio-Section ~~ boring stuff about me :~))'; return true" onBlur="window.status=''; return true" type=submit value=" 5" text="cyan" width="38%" borderimage="file://rom/borders/buttonborder2.bif"> About Me</form></td> <td bgcolor="black" align="left" colspan="1" width="140"> <form action="https://members.tripod.com/~ebrian/workingon.html"> <input onFocus="window.status='HIV/AIDS Info Section ~~ tolerance, advocacy...'; return true" onBlur="window.status=''; return true" type=submit value=" 6" text="cyan" width="38%" borderimage="file://rom/borders/buttonborder2.bif"> HIV/AIDS*</form> </td> <td bgcolor="black" align="left" colspan="1" width="140"> <form action="https://members.tripod.com/~ebrian/highlander/midis.html"> <input onFocus="window.status='My Playpen Section ~~ midis, friend*s pages...'; return true" onBlur="window.status=''; return true" type=submit value=" 7" text="cyan" width="38%" borderimage="file://rom/borders/buttonborder2.bif"> Playpen</form></td> <td bgcolor="black" align="left" colspan="1" width="140"> <!---form action="https://members.tripod.com/~ebrian/text/sighelp.html"> <input onFocus="window.status='HTML Help Section ~~ various topics'; return true" onBlur="window.status=''; return true" type=submit value=" 8" text="cyan" width="38%" borderimage="file://rom/borders/buttonborder2.bif"> HTML </form---><font color=cyan>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;-==HERE==-</font color> </td></tr> <tr><td bgcolor="black" align="left" colspan="1" width="140"> <form action="https://members.tripod.com/~ebrian/workingon.html"> <input onFocus="window.status='Webpage-Building Tips Section'; return true" onBlur="window.status=''; return true" type=submit value=" 9" text="cyan" width="38%" borderimage="file://rom/borders/buttonborder2.bif"> Web Tips*</form></td> <td bgcolor="black" align="left" colspan="1" width="140"> <form action="https://members.tripod.com/~ebrian/highlander/webrings.html"> <input onFocus="window.status='Most WebRings I belong to located here'; 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return true" onMouseOut="window.status=''; return true" href=https://members.tripod.com/~ebrian/restricted/details.html>&nbsp;5a&nbsp;</a>Illness <spacer type=horizontal size=15> <a onMouseOVer="window.status='Other thoughts from my mindseye'; return true" onMouseOut="window.status=''; return true" href=https://members.tripod.com/~ebrian/personal/musings.html>&nbsp;5b&nbsp;</a>Other Musings <!---font color=cyan>-==HERE==-</font color---> <spacer type=horizontal size=65> <a onMouseOVer="window.status='More Scrolling Status Bar Codes'; return true" onMouseOut="window.status=''; return true" href=https://members.tripod.com/~ebrian/text/scroll.html>&nbsp;8a&nbsp;</a>More HTML Help <!---spacer type=horizontal size=15---> </font size><br><hr> <!---End Netscape Navigator Code---> <spacer type="vertical" size="35"><br> <p> <center><embed src="https://members.tripod.com/~ebrian/highlander/navigate-1b.html"> <p><p><hr>In case the above form doesn't work for you, to go to Next Page, <a href="https://members.tripod.com/~ebrian/text/scroll.html">Click Here</a>!! <hr><p><p> <img src="https://www.angelfire.com/images/lines/bluem3d2.gif" height=75 border=0><p><p><p> <a href=mailto:thewatcher1@webtv.net><img src="https://www.angelfire.com/ca2/ebrian/images/monkeyflash.gif"></a><p>E-Mail to <a href=mailto:thewatcher1@webtv.net>thewatcher1@webtv.net</a><p> <!-- BEGIN FASTCOUNTER CODE --> <a href="http://member.linkexchange.com/cgi-bin/fc/fastcounter-login?583301" target="_top"> <img border="0" src="http://fastcounter.linkexchange.com/fastcounter?583301+1166609"></a> <!-- END FASTCOUNTER CODE --> <!--br---> <!-- BEGIN FASTCOUNTER LINK --> <font face="arial" size="1"> <a href="http://www.fastcounter.com/fc-join" target="_top">FastCounter by LinkExchange</a></font><br> <!-- END FASTCOUNTER LINK --> <p><p> <font color="plum" size="4" effect="embossed"> ericB's Watcher site © December 1998<p> <img src=prideswirl.gif border=0 alt="Animated Pride Swirl"> </font> </center><p> <!---JS Failure Alert Code---> <script> <!-- // Brought to you By Prototype-1 x='-'; 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